Lupus Patient and Caregiver Explain Medical benefits of Cannabis Oil

My name is Vivian and this is my video testimony. Thank you for watching. Please share if you know someone who is struggling …


  1. PLEASE situate yourselves before you begin the video so it frames both of you. THEN do the video & PLEASE DON'T keep moving the camera back & forth. The material is very enlightening, but I found it difficult to stay focused on the subject at hand. I got a little sea sick. I have a few questions for you…. In what part of MI are you? My Daughter lives up there & has no provider. She needs someone who knows what they are doing!
    Thank you for your Testimony!

  2. Hello there my uncle has lupus and he had lots of pain on his feet and they swell. His hands back and shoulders are in pain what would you recommend? Will marihuana help?

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