1. Amazing, how one the the most valuable pieces of information on CBD THC on YouTube gets so little likes and attention.
    Took me a while digging into piles of misinformation to find this gold of a presentation.

  2. Thank you for this looking into this. I can't comprehend the number of lives that can be improved by this. I'm curious how cannabinoids treat Aspergers, Dyspraxia, ADHD, and Dyslexia.

  3. Warning prolonged HEAVY use/abuse can leave a person (me) with acute depression thru Anandamide pathway burnout.
    If you use/abuse cannabis frequently then your body stops producing it naturally, then what you are stuck with is only what you ingest … Your receptor sites may stay online or atrophy with heavy use, if they atrophy, your screwed because Anandamide is your JOY neurotransmitter…
    In layman's terms you are unable to feel joy, its a bad place to end up at because its not dopamine/serotonin based depression.
    Lots and lots of exercise was my solution, it has taken almost 5 years to come back from the depressive abyss that happened when weaned myself to the point I could quit cold turkey.
    What a rough ride.
    I was diagnosed Hyperactive disorder in early 1970s, Ive always had a love affair with cannabis as my personal panacea….. Until it wasn't good for me anymore.
    My wife divorced me because of my use and moodiness when I wasn't medicated.
    Its been a real tough 5 years.
    12 step work and exercise and im mostly happy now even though linear thought is still a challenge, im managing.
    Great information in your research thank you.
    Aloha Timothy

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