Medical Marijuana For Autism and ADHD | S3 E1

Why are 70% of daily marijuana users Autistic? How can medical marijuana be used by Autistic or ADHD adults to support them?


  1. Back when I first started using cannabis recreationally when I was about 17. I was (and still am) extremely sensitive to it, I hallucinated a couple of times due to peer pressure to smoke more then I was comfortable with. I quit cannabis for years after the knots on a wooden door melted into words, I looked away in panic as it started spelling but I'm sure it was forming into the words "kill, kill, kill". I don't even know why I ever smoked it again. I think I'd already seen some benefits but that day I realised mental illness can make you a prisoner inside your own mind. I was paranoid for months after that I could've caused schitzophrenia, that was 14 years ago now. I don't have any signs of schizophrenia, I think it was just a drug induced Psychosis. It was scary though!

  2. thanks for doing this podcast. its great to see discussions about this from neurodivergent ppl. and as a UK medical patient it is the only thing that has ever worked for me

  3. I have been partaking in Cannabis for CPTSD, social anxiety, menopause, chronic arthritic pain in my knees and ankles, high blood pressure,undiagnosed ASD, and undiagnosed ADHD for almost 20 years. And not too long ago I made a YouTube video on this very subject on my The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur Channel. I also usually watch your videos on my other channel Darkmoon Doll. Thank you for doing this interview❤❤❤

  4. I’m curious if Miyabe has any info on why some people get the opposite effects of indica vs sativas? Sativas feel super heavy to me and make me want to just eat or sleep, and indicas give me a ton of energy and help me to socialize and get things done. I only smoke indicas because I don’t like the lazy feeling from sativas. I’m AuDHD, but this doesn’t appear to be common among other Autistics or AuDHDers, so I’m curious what factors might contribute to this?

  5. Cannabis is useful for me because it allows me to process my emotions, I don't understand my feelings and can't cry when I get depressed. When I use cannabis I find I can start to process and understand my feelings, sometimes I'm in floods of tears but it's saved my life because before crying and processing I was suicidal. Cannabis doesn't help me socialise and it makes sensory issues worse but for emotions it is extremely useful!

  6. By the way about colaborations with European institutions. Switzerland is working on legalitation and has decriminslized Cannabis use for quite a long time by now.

    She could probably contact the ETH in Zurich, or the BAG "Bundesamt für Gesundheit" (health ministry) to find out if there are any possibillities to colaborate on those studies.
    The latter are trying to start studies on those matters anyway to pave a path for legalization.

  7. Poppies are also plants, and the latex that comes from poppies is far less dangerous than fentanyl, morphine, or even Vicodin. There is no reason any drugs should be criminalized, and if someone wants to grow such things for personal use it is nobody's business but their own.

  8. I can't do cannabis. I enter a hellscape of anxiety and paranoia. It's interesting that it suits some neurodivergents because any neurodivergent I've ever talked to about this says it does the same to them. I suppose it goes to show how we're all different.

  9. I am a 53 year old autistic. I use mmj every day. I am not a stoner by any means. It helps my brain to slow down and helps regulate may emotions as I have alexithymia. P.S. the linktree link does not work. I don't know how many neurodivergents have told me they feel "normal" when using cannabis. I would love to talk about my cannabis use and also about how my Autistic son got on cocaine and committed suicide at 22.

  10. Been a stoner for 3-4 years before knowing I'm autistic, the people who I got high with just let me move body parts randomly, talked and write down my feelings, and yoga. Then it comes to my realization of being autistic and unpacking trauma then things come full circle. Growing up suppressing my own feelings/ stimming on top of being autistic is very detrimental to myself and those who I want to have a social connection with. Cannabis and the ability to be more aware of my feelings is a game changer!

  11. It is helpful, but in my case I have to use it 3 or 4 times a day and the cost adds up, my lungs get tired from smoking and I think it’s caused some neuropathy in my foot. Edibles mess with my balance. Cannabis takes away your dreams! And I don’t think it allows for the most restful sleep. I’m working on quitting totally.

  12. I had a few negative experiences. For context, I was using large doses for pain management. Picture a sine wave pattern on a graph: the horizontal axis is time, the peak of the waves is when you are most aware of your surroundings, the crests represent when you are deep inside your head. The though I took with me was a memory of offending one of my friends. With the time dilation, it seemed like I was there with that memory for many hours. You can't really switch thoughts until you reach another peak. You might want to hang a sign up that reminds you to think happy thoughts.

  13. Neurodivergent "2e" AuDHDer here. I have had a LOT of experience with Cannabis and a bit with other psychedelics. I started smoking pretty heavily from 16-17 on and off, but mainly on, until the last 12 years, I gave up due to stress over the legal implications and inconsistency of available product. I have started again, but not smoking it, eating it a few nights a week, for sleep and neuro healing. I am a late diagnosed autistic woman with a diagnosis of ASD2, ADHD combined types, and before that complex PTSD. I am "gifted" and higher than average IQ. Cubensis fungi and Cannabis have probably saved my life. I have 7 children and 2 grandchildren now. I am a musician, peer support, advocate, writer and artist. Thank you for this wonderful information! It is helping me destigmatize myself and my "stoner" status!

  14. Cool you chose this topic this time around. I was in research mode for a few weeks now when it came to cannabinoids and neurodivergence, because I began to smoke weed with 24 and now with 31 after my ASD and ADHD diagnoses, I was really curious if I became so much more able to connect with people and function in general, because of it. So far the video has given a lot of good answers to my questions I had.

  15. I love the idea of study of the neurodiverse in relation to pharmacology. I notice most research leaves out gifted mind types but the overlap of traits between ASD and giftedness is around 35%. It would be of great help to be included (gifted) in research especially with pharmacology as the drugs designed for medical use do not function as expected in gifted people. Any inclusion of giftedness in brain studies in reaction to pharmaceuticals can at least start the path for medical references being available to adjust for differences once the medical practitioner is aware.

  16. I am 3 months into medical cannabis prescriptions. I have bought the vape recommended and take a very open minded approach to this. Broke my own stigmas and have got my head around it being a class 2 controlled drug now, rather than illegal. On its own its not a wonder drug. without a war chest full of survival strategies, continued learning about myself and other medications I have to say this os the first time I feel better able to manage emotional regulation. After a lifetime of anti depressants and other talking therapies i am late diagnosed ASD and ADHD this feels huge for me personally. Anyway…….advocate of open conversations around this. Thank you for this podcast, I'm enjoying the listen

  17. I've been smoking for 25+ plus years and never needed doctor prescribed medicine. When I was younger they tried putting me on medicine. But they didn't realize I have sight issues with my Aspergers. So I get up alot to go and see what it is. So they always thought I was interrupting the class. But if they just had copies and let me hold what they are showing I wouldn't get up and move closer. Whenever a teacher took the time with extra copies I passed their class with atleast a B. Then I would be good. Marijuana is not for everybody. But it is for me and my family. It's legal in my state. I can go and order it online and get it delivered for free.

  18. Cannabis is how my undiagnosed self copes with social interaction. The only way I am not on edge or defensive the whole interaction. It may make me forgetful, but it makes me able to tolerate gossip/allistic interaction and contribute in a positive way. Love the channel

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