1. You want to know how these people are LYING , when they laugh about Trump losing the election 

    Cause then why the F$&k would YOU be running for office! Ain’t the “deep state” just gonna make sure u LOSS!?

  2. They dont care about anything trump has done nothing for them but take their money they used to useto pay their rent ,feed their kids ,take their kids to the hospital and so on? They have become homeless supporting trump and they are more than happy to do so because trump told them its patriotism if he makes them homelss and had their kids taken away because of the parental neglect in order to see trump tell them what to think next ?Scuzzbuckets all of them even lower than deplorables they used to be !

  3. Of course trump violated the oath to protect this country fromforiegn and domestic attack but ill support all those who do in ky name as President of the USA? That is what the new Amendment to our Constitution in the Future ? Get used to america being renamed as well hell why not right There is no Rule of Law these people are reffering to when it comes to republucan party leaders these so called judges are taking the checks ? Now if anyone but them writes the check they are felons and criminals so says the gop and i say FungoođŸ€”đŸ’Ż

  4. 1st they don't fight for my kid or anyone i know's kid (s) .Not surprised he is a sex offender with all of them getting ordained over the internet 😅Hey Moms of Offenders stay away fro everyones children and just worry about your own, yeah ?.

  5. Marxist and lgbtq people are people we supposed to be afraid of Marxism killed more 100 million people why would you teach that to your children why would you teach lgbtq to young children, of course we could find perverts in every crowd but your party is full of them, and that doesn't reflect on the moms of Liberty in fact it more reflects on what time the game you're trying to play with your hit job, fake news, in the Catholic Church of course there's a lot of weirdos in there, but that doesn't reflect on moms of Liberty, we have less chance of our children being hurt by moms of Liberty and then 99.9 percent chance matter of fact 100% chance of our children being hurt by you guys teaching lgbtq to kindergarten children moms of Liberty doesn't do that nice try good luck with your fake News podcast


  7. Weren't a lot of politicians regular guests on the "magical isle of Epstein" ? Please don't put all Christians in the same box. Most denominations are against Fascism and see through Trump's facade.

  8. I have never and do not support trump. He has been a rat for over 40 years that I am first hand aware of, meaning I saw the newspapers and interviews myself, no one "told" me about it. I am also independent of any political party. That said, population has doubled over the past 50 years. 1973 was not quite 4 billion, 2023 is over 8 billion. The world was at its sustainable threshold in 1973, the point it can heal itself from the damage humans have done to it. Add nuke testing, gabage dumping, heavy metal dumping, water greed, oil greed and a few other things and here is what I think about mother earth. One day in the not so far future the Earth is going to shake herself off like a wet dog. Things are going to fly and the walls of the milky way are going to be muddy. Nothing you can do about it. There are moutains, desserts, ice caps and some other places that are not inhabit friendly. People have used up the places that are for the most part inhabitable. And they continue to build housing developements out into the very farmland where our food comes from. Whatever conspiracy theories there are, I don't know, I don't follow any of them. As far as the Earth itself is concerned, there is a serious problem. In fact many, overpopulation being one of the worst. People keep breeding like rats and we all will soon live like rats. Its a simple thing to see coming. Look at the fires, floods, landslides, price of food. It all adds up and its not slowing down any. Just like the cesspool of lowlife breeding. People don't think, the just breed, same as rats.

  9. The Bible stated God impregnated Mary with Jesus when she was 15. God himself is a child offender, while it claims no sex was involved. The whole thing is ridiculous, yet it sees no problem with a child Mary getting pregnant at 15.

  10. It was a set-up. A hit job. The libs recruited that sleaze and sent him to work at Moms For Liberty, a spy disguised as a pastor disguised as a bomb to destroy that religiously righteous group. The libs showed their cards and he has resigned and now that lovely organization is disgraced!

  11. So in order to preach to the world how co cern they about our kids in achool they bring in a pedophile got it because nothing says it better than projection. Accousing others for what you do on the daily, none of the people talking about the the bibble are qualufied in my book to achool others

  12. The 14th Amendment doesn't specifically say it applies grocery store clerks, or bar tenders, or lawyers, or plumbers, etc.. So obviously it's completely unclear if it applies to them, or anyone else apparently. What a load of BS. You could argue the same nonsense in regards to any almost law applied to almost any person.

  13. If you tell your child, that gender is fluid DHS should take her children away from you. Gender is male and female. Your character is what is fluid and it changes as you go through life. Fucking morons.

  14. Pornography is not allowed to be shown to minors It’s actually a felony called corrupting the morals of a minor. By the way, one wrong doesn’t change another wrong. The only flag that deals with sexual content is the LGBT plus bullshit flag you have no place in the school at all. You can’t have a faith based flag in a public school. Why would you have a sexual deviant delusional flag in a school? The adults need to stand up and put the children in line and wake them up from the delusion that they’re in.

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