Mystery Dog Disease Update: Livestream with Dr Jones and Rachel Fusaro

Dr Jones’ Free Book… In this livestream Dr. Jones is interviewed by Dog Expert, Rachel Fusaro, …


  1. There is no disease! It is radiation poisoning from the sun. Nothing to do, but rest. And water. No meds. This is a natural process of the universe. No fear. We are all going through this. Radiation poisoning.

  2. My dog is my soul service dog I raised him with kitty ..they zoom run play .I nolonger let them outside….they get plenty of exercise playing all day ..but worry about taking care elderly lady and her dog ..that does go out side , and afraid that I could bring it to my dog..

  3. This is very interesting. We lost our 2.5 yr old Great Dane, Sawyer, who was completely healthy before kenneling her. She was at the vet on a Monday, did receive Bordetella vaccine, as well as another one our Great Danes (we were told this was mandatory for being kenneled). Both Danes had their blood drawn to ensure they were healthy, no underlying disease, etc. Wednesday, I received a phone call from our vet sharing both Danes bloodwork was normal. That Friday, they were dropped off at the vet to be boarded for a week (they were dropped off with one more Great Dane and an Irish Wolfhound). Long story short, our 2.5 yr old got very sick by that following Tues. The vet could not dx her, with the tests she completed, so she did x-rays as well as consulting with a radiologist and another vet. Sawyer all of a sudden had pneumonia and not doing well. She passed away at home that Friday evening. This whole experience was very unsettling because she was absolutely healthy before we left for our trip. As i listen to you discuss the Mystery Dog Disease, it sure sounds like what Sawyer passed away from and this was August of 2021.

  4. I have owned a pet sitting company for 20 years, and one of my clients' dogs got sick. My dog started inward sneezing, and the first sign of a cough I took him in. He is a 1 1/2 raw fed healthy viszla. My clients labradoodle (about 8 yrs old) ended up getting pneumonia, and my viszlas brother, who lives with my ex, got it, and so did my pug. So, 3 dogs got it from my client's dog (who goes to day care half the week) without any physical contact. However, it could have been a kennel cough. Regardless, it was very worrisome, especially how contagious it is… whatever it was! I gave manuka honey mixed with coconut oil and also a powerhouse of mushrooms. I had to stop the antibiotics because my dog was throwing it up. I am just glad it is over. So, if anyone's dog is coughing or even inward sneezing at this high time, then change shoes and clothes before going home. Don't share toys or treats as well.

  5. This sounds strangely familiar to the way they did Covid. Create fear and hype and then “hey we happen to have a shot we can give your dog!” So many ran to get this Covid jab because our government scared people to death, literally!

  6. Do we remember at about the time covid was pretty much waning internationally, China was going a bit nuts with draconian lockdowns and seizures of dogs from people with or without testing positive for covid (the owners or pets), the pets were euthanized.

    At the the time people questioned what was going on with the pets, because while their were some pets and zoo animals that tested positive for covid, and some actually developed what seemed to be covid, it was in very low numbers and while it appeared pets could aquire it from owners there never seemed to be a case where people contacted covid from a pet. So why did China go into overdrive at what was basically covid mutating in the rest of the world to become less lethal even to those never vaccinated.

    Did some mutation show up in China that affected canines and no one was told the truth?

    If so, and China was eradicating pets, plus given the long term quarantines often mandated with dogs coming in from China even on international rescues, is it possible that if it was a lab leak associated with covid, given some of the long term symptons before a dog turns gravely ill, could it now have been in the US long enough to have reached noticable numbers. Many of the rescues that bring dogs from China are located in and around some if the areas this disease seems to have popped up, and seems to have moved out around the US and into Canada in somewhat the same ways that aminals are sent out to no kill shelters and rescues.

    Interestingly, countries that have extremely strict quarantine rules for Canines are not seeing anything that appears to be like this disease and that may be due to not allowing canines, no matter how long they are quarantined into the country from some regions.

  7. Probably with all the chem-trailing going on will see it in all animals and people. I don't let my animals outside to play except to use bathroom when I see a lot of chem-trails for a few days to week after seeing them.

  8. My dog has a breathing problem for about 3 years, it's sound like she has mucus in her nose. Please help us, Doctor. Our Vet said to go to Walmart and buy Benadryl. I won't do that, Benadryl is bad for pets.

  9. It’s the global footprint thing again… of corse this was lab created… Albert borla was what before heading the wef??? Connect the dots….😣 sadly possible…. Or they are looking for a reason/excuse for the next pandemic release…our pets 🤬

  10. I had heard that the University of Kansas is accepting test samples from vets from sick dogs for free to try to get to the bottom of this and consolidate the information. I can't remember the reference, however it might be worth looking into to support the vets and pets 🤞 Thank You for all your great info and the time you've taken to share! 👏👏👏

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