Oh, Dr. Jackie Walters, Are Your Contributing To The Problem? #blackmaternalhealth #married2med



  1. Diva . Dr. Jackie has implicit caregiver bias. Black women have the highest mortality and morbidity rates compared to any other birthing population because the barriers and contributors are not being addressed. One of the first contributors have been implicit caregiver bias where medical providers give sub standard care and have preconceived notions which allow them to be prejudiced leading to dismissive attitudes and worse care causing death and injury. The second is maternal deserts where there is a lack of maternal care in terms of birthing clinics, midwives, doula, OB/GYN that take Medicaid, and better Medications, and other prenatal services. Then there is red lining where insurance companies increase the cost of services and medications within a specific geographical locations and those locations are predominantly in poor and BIPOC communities. Women with Medicaid can’t even get the better prenatal vitamins but have to settle for a substandard vitamins and medication and care. Then the Maternal mortality bill that VP Harris is talking about has sat on the Congress floor for two administrations and has not passed yet!!!! That bill does not address Black and Native American women mortality contributors it’s a general bill and it has not passed Congress but they did address Abortion swiftly. Then another is a lack of care pre, post, and perinatal care that women don’t have healthy bodies before during and after pregnancy but have co morbidity such as hypertension obesity pulmonary and heart disease. The culture of medicine has to change where the motivation is patient centered and the patient health is foremost not a dollar or an image. I am Dr. Necola Table and I hate these women have a national platform but do not use it to advocate for women. Dr. Jackie is bitter and disingenuous and worse of all biased and an elitist so she can’t be the face or heart of the movement to improve black maternal health and decrease black mortality and morbidity rates.

  2. You right now Im thinking Dr jackie could be like that white nurse that killed babies in Chicago ture story this is my opinion make you wonder it's a lot of folks out here you really don't know, people go crazy every day.This is why Harriet Tuman is one of my hero she all her people some didn't want to go but she made them her mail goal was letting them die a free man or woman.! Yes im taking all my people.Most elite don't care about poor folks they will write a check for charity and write it off on there taxes we living in our last days a lot of people will be exposed for who they really are 2024!!

  3. The PTO Police is a perfect name for her. She acts like if she gives a woman documentation that she needs to be off work, then she’ll have to pay the bills of her patients out of her own pocket. Jackie, if you don’t go sit down.

    I wonder if she sympathizes with women who have been cheated on like her since she can’t empathize with women whom are creating a whole life inside their bodies. It’s disgusting.


    She needs to take Sensitivity training on an on going basis

    Go to therapy

    Make a live public statement in person


    not that passive aggressive statement she put out and dismissing how others are AFFECTED

  5. Hey E ! Yes It definitely affects the way she goes about her practice. I think because unfortunately she’s a barren woman that she subconsciously has ILL WILL towards black pregnant women

  6. Doctors are human beings, no matter their status or practice, they can and have been wrong in their care and diagnosis of their patients. Always advocate for your health, i don't give a fu@# who your doctor is.

  7. She made a statement which in my opinion did not help her situation at all… she tried to back pedal but I’m sure it’s all going to backfire…karma has kicked her door in! And btw, Kamala Harris should have been the last person she hooked up with 1000’s of people do not respect Harris and on top of this epic scandal you’ve hooked your MEDICAL RACIST azz to her wagon!

  8. My sister in law went to her doctor told her she was having pain. Her doctor told her everything was OK and sent her home. She went to a different hospital that night and was in the hospital for a month and had to get an emergency C section.

  9. Tbh I think Jackie overall is missing a sensitivity chip. I’ve never been pregnant but I had a pregnant coworker who I would let do NOTHING even though our job was extremely physical. Jackie is just a wooden faced and bodied twit.

  10. I know doctors like Jackie, they carry negative stereotypes and biases around who deserves and doesn’t deserve time off or assistance—in my last job there were some programs that required a medical packet and too many applicants would tell me the doctor flat out told them they can work, never mind the medical file/records and what they know as their physician. The stigma around certain programs and the myths of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps has these doctors in a chokehold.

  11. The VP conversation seemed so contrived for political purposes… kind of like if the VP ran and won, she might look at her soro for a position of some sort. Jackie is a human who has biases as we all do. It's just that our biases don't often hold another's person's well-being in our hands in the way hers does. To assume that Black women in "particular" are overly dramatic trying to get off work is an overseer mindset. I can help but believe that there is some type bias based in jealousy because she hasn't had the experience she wanted.

  12. Not to mention, a Black woman’s experience in the workplace is incredibly stressful on a regular day. So if a woman wants to stay at home so she doesn’t have to deal with micro aggressions and other workplace stressors that can affect the body and therefore cause harm to her baby, write her a damn note.
    The problem is that Dr Jackie and people like her see Black people as others see us—subhuman, worker bees that are beneath them.

  13. Dr. Jackie’s infertility definitely plays a part on her bedside manners or the lack thereof. I started looking at her differently the moment she called Buffy out and now come to find out I was right on my synopsis of her. She can definitely exit stage left because she doesn’t do much on the show anyway. Unless we gonna find out Why Curtis and his mole is working in DR or whatever island she said he was working on to make sure it was far away from Hartsfield-Jackson ATL International! 😏

  14. I was threw with Jackie when she did what she did to Buffy and then gave her that dry ass apology as if she didn't do anything. Jackie definitely lacks compassion and empathy, like most doctors. She's also very fat phobic.

  15. I was on live with Dr. Jackie and Dr. Heavenly during the pandemic. And I explained a medical issue I had and even in the live she seemed dismissive. On top of what I had experienced just having my baby 6 months prior to that day.

    SN: Buffie is an Aquarius and we can hold a mf grudge 😂😂😂

  16. Dr Jackie needs to regularly enroll in Cultural Bias Sensitivity Training (for medical professionals) and take on a small obgyn client load at the West End Medical Clinic in Atlanta, where many undeserved and underprivileged patients pay on a sliding scale.

  17. I was absolutely disgusted by Dr. Jackie’s comments! Even more surprised she’s talking about expanding Medicare (similar to the NHS?) and she doesn’t accept Medicare. The UK is a mess but I appreciate the fact there’s free healthcare and 6 months fully paid maternity leave. In respect to healthcare workers not respecting patients, here in the UK there was a massive case where a white blonde eyed nurse was m*freeing NICO babies and her colleagues were reporting it for YEARS but no one listened because how could a white woman unalive innocent babies “🥹”. Another case where 2 nurses were drugging stroke and dementia patients to keep them “quiet”. It’s appalling and even though I’m in the UK, Dr. Jackie’s comments don’t help at all. Lovely review as always and lots of love from London 🤍

  18. Baby one thangs for certain and two thangs Fa sho in this era of the rise of Divine Feminine energy women operating in toxic masculine or feminine energy, like Jackie are also being called to the carpet along with their toxic masculine counterparts.

  19. Wowwwww I honestly didn’t expect her comment to be THAT bad. Studies have shown over and over again that black women suffer from more complications and have higher mortality rates than any or race and she says this. So I have a bias towards Dr. Jackie. I’ve seen through her from the beginning but even I didn’t think something like that would come from her mouth. Wow

  20. The first thing I said when I heard what Dr Jackie said was “well, of course she would think black women are exaggerating about having pains and complications during pregnancy, she has NEVER had a child. In her mind, she probably believes that the black women should be GRATEFUL to be in such pain, in order to bring life into this world, as she cannot…” 😒😒😒

  21. This is a loss for the White House as well. No one vetted this woman for land mines like this? Did anyone check to see if she even has Medicare patients who would benefit from this law change?

  22. Dr. Jackie bias could simply be a by product of her inability to have children. It is very strange for a person who has never experienced a pregnancy tell women who have about pain levels.

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