Ohio Lawmaker's Proposal Now That Marijuana Is Legal β€” The Download

Ideas for how to respond when leftists get what they want. An Ohio lawmaker recently introduced a measure that would channel …


  1. I mean we need to support pro life laws but as for weed I could care less it would drive away the criminal element of marijuana. If people wanna get stoned let them get stoned but banning will only make it more popular and appealing. It’s human nature.

  2. It is actually not legalized. It isn't legalized anywhere in the Country. Congress passed a bill to restrict the DEA from enforcing the law. The possession, processing, selling or distribution of marijuana is still a felony throughout the United States. Nothing the individual States may do makes it legal. It remains a Schedule I narcotic and that hasn't changed. There are individual States which have decriminalized it, but it is impossible for them to legalize a Schedule I narcotic. One of the things we will start seeing now that Ohio has decriminalized marijuana is what Colorado has seen. As none of these States have established a legal limit in the bloodstream for THC, the massive number of traffic accidents which now involve THC-impaired drivers in Colorado has really strained the system and can't be prosecuted, as no legal limit has been established. Every State which has decriminalized marijuana has seen this problem. Stoners want to be stoned and (apparently) the psychoses and cardiomyopathies which attend the use are of no interest to the voters. Unlike a number of people I don't get particularly torqued up over Ohio passing a statute which allows you to kill your unwanted children. It was always an issue for the State to decide and by the voters of the State. There are States where people acknowledge God, soul, eternity and hell and have banned the killing of babies. There are States whose voters have embraced evil and look forward to hell. That is the nature of free will. When we have neo-Marxist indoctrination centers posing as public schools, you will have a society which rejects God, soul, eternity and the self in favor of secular/humanist rot.

  3. The rush of weed?

    Was the only research this guy did watching Reefer Madness?

    Or maybe he just gets paid by the pharmaceutical industry like most anti-weed people have for decades. Since it's the absolute best painkiller with no addiction potential at all. There is no physical addiction to marijuana. This is from someone who has used a little bit of weed a few times a week at night for chronic pain. I work between 40 and 80 hours a week and I never miss work. The only reason I'm able to work as hard as I do is the little windows of relief from my agony I get by smoking a quarter of a joint or so. It's also the only way I ever get any significant sleep.

    I've never stolen a dime from anyone. And I'm a conservative.

    I guess you would have me be a slave to opiates again. Like I was for over a decade thanks to the Dr. Feelgood types that are the only legal ways of getting out of pain for most people. 100% of people who use opiates for an extended period of time get physically addicted. Physical addiction is absolute hell.

    You people are monsters.

  4. Err, maybe the Church outside of Mass/Divine Liturgy need to make all Church properties Alcohol Free. Including any meals and festivals. We need to set the example. Then we can talk about weed.

    BTW, I got this from the REGULAR of St. Benedict.

    And if Church Properties were Alcohol Free, I bet insurance rates would drop!

  5. I am opposed to abortion nor do support legalization of matijuana.
    Having said that I think the discussion here did nothing to change anyone's mind.
    The central point of these laws is that America (with thanks to media help) is moving to the left, as quickly as possible.
    The truth is most people just don't give a fig. They are self- centered and not concerned with the welfare of other people, including babies.
    If Catholic priests and bishops don't believe in God, why would our fellow citizens be concerned with the welfare of others or understand their responsibility in society. So pot is ok with them as is abortion.

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