1. I used to be very active within the festival scene. Seeing the impact all drugs have on those kids has completely turned me against using or encouraging others to use them. My & your vessels are WAY too sacred to risk handing the joy stick over to entities…. If you haven't seen yet. There are frequency readings available out there & all of the drugs have low conscious frequency…

  2. This is interesting, I consider myself a Center-Left type of Classical Liberal, I'm a fan of Nick Gillespie and Stephen Hicks. I never heard Nick describe himself as a "small l" Libertarian, and although I knew he was influenced by Classical Liberalism, I never exactly heard him describe himself as one. He discusses in this episode how some of his views have evolved. Stephen Hicks might have always been between these two politics, I just heard him defend Liberalism in a good debate on Triggernometry. I think Liberal Conservatives/Conservative Liberals need to exist again in a more mainstream way, but so do Conservative Libertarians/Libertarian Conservatives, and Liberal Libertarians/Libertarian Liberals. I think these actually cover what should be the Overton window spectrum.

  3. Regarding Nick's optimism on the gains made by libertarian ideas, I ask, pun intended, what is he smoking? We just went through the worst exercise in tyranny in the 21st century, called COVID response. People giddily gave up the most basic personal freedoms, and did it so happily and easily they will do it equally easily and giddily the next time. That is the exact opposite of "libertarian gains"!

  4. Shouldn’t all these drugs’s be tested for dose strength and quality etc? Shouldn’t they also be heavily tested scientifically too? These are powerful drugs that I have seen destroy peoples minds and personalities. My mothers roommate from college took LSD and jumped off the roof to her death. She didn’t leave any suicide note so we don’t know if it was intentional or it was the drug destroying her brain. Then again I knew a girl who took MDMA daily for two years without any outwardly noticeable side effects, but I haven’t seen her in 20 years. I think the risk is too great until it’s studied and tested until it’s scientifically proven it’s safe and what the potential risks are.

  5. I've dropped LSD well over 50 times. I've take multiple full strength tabs at once. The fact that Coleman had a full on paranoid schizophrenic delusion that his friend was trying to kill him and that it lasted for 48 hours tells me the dude probably needs more therapy OR it wasn't pure LSD.

  6. society is made up of individuals. If – as individuals – we act as scurrilous, lazy, self-aggrandizing assholes – we will have a horrible society/culture. If we decide to be upright. truthful, honorable individuals – we will have an excellent society. Being individual and choosing one over the other is the basis for all things good. And yes – you have to remove those who choose to not behave in such a manner. This is why libertarianism is so difficult – it must have a corollary of responsibility to the freedom to have a trustworthy society.

  7. Its interesting people at Burning Man often mention the orwellian term carbon nuetral.
    I didnt realize having a huge party in the middle of a desert was at all "carbon nuetral"
    Im begining to believe carbon nuetral is just a rich person gatekeeping particular activities.

  8. It's what is being taught and who is ideologically captured. Cost is negligible. Debt is cured by inflation at the cost of everyone. My point being, if we don't course correct and now we are in for a real bad time.

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