Real Lawyers React: Why you shouldn't consent to searches!

In this video, attorney Derek and Kelly break down and react to @bodycamwatch ‘s video titled, “20-Year-Old Learning Her …


  1. Watching this was infuriating. The percent of serious crimes that actually get solved by cops is abysmal, and they'll tell you it's due to manpower constraints, but they have time for crap like this. This is the textbook example of why you don't talk to police. I don't even bother calling them for actual crimes. My car got broken into. Might be a good time to call the police, right? Nope. First, they won't do a damn thing. Second, I'd rather not have some bully with a badge show up and talk to me like I'm a toddler. ACAB. No exceptions.

  2. This kind of stuff disappoints me. It basically trains everyone to not trust authority. The cop really didn't have any reason to ask to search the car and busting a college kid for having a fake ID is a terrible reason to burn the publics trust. The only logical way to look at this is that it was an incredible waste of resources all the way around and the only lesson learned was don't trust the cops.

  3. I gotta go with a C on both ends, just because the girl could have done more for herself and the officers could have done a lot less with themselves
    I mean they did a fishing expedition and got a tiny tiny fish, kinda hard to give them too much credit for that
    Deeper lore: this should be cited as a "there are fake ID printers in wherever she got these" police record, and THAT is where the deeper investigation goes?
    But even then, a 20 year old using it for weed and alcohol isn't the main problem (small fish)
    I'm sure they seized the IDs and those are being investigated (big fish)

  4. My dad STILL thinks the police are his buddies. I was looking at 10 years over a blatant lie. He KNEW it was a lie and said "well they wouldn't have charged you if you didn't break the law."

    The man loves to lick boots I swear.

  5. I'll state this clearly. Is marijuana being illegal anywhere is the real crime, And any one willing to arrest somebody over should never be a cop, I don't care if it's against the law. We live in a world where extremely harmful drugs are not even in the scheduled category, but one of the least harmful drugs that actually helps people as a scheduled one drug that is a crime, and that should be prosecuted, not people using something that is actually safe.

  6. This is all on the driver. Other than awkward small talk, the officers did their job. She had stuff in her possession that she shouldn't, she agreed to the search and she wouldn't shut up. Dad did a poor job of not teaching her how to behave when pulled over

  7. Who hasn't {SMOKED POT}?
    first, the drinking age should be 18!!! And below that, a parental control thing. If an 18 year old can get killed in the military, they HAVE THE RIGHT TO ALL rights of an adult. Wouldn't that be a 14th equal protection clause?

    Never taken an illegal drug. I have had jobs with random drug testing since ~1990, so not risking that. And the times I have been around people that were using it, the shit smells like burning silage and hog poop… so HARD NO to that one. Long Island Ice Teas are legal, I'll – if I still drank – stick to those.
    But yeah, I still would say NO to letting a cop search my car. I have actually told them no before.

  8. What do you guys think of the new app LegalShield being developed by Lackluster and another youtuber? Where you can have an attorney on a face-time call for 30 minutes for free with a monthly subscription for these kinds of encounters?

  9. People are so ignorant of what happens in the real world. When you are the subject of a government's investigation they are not your friends, they are not there to help you. Do not talk to them. Dont answer any of their casual conversations questions. Not where are you coming from or where are you headed or nothing. Just say id rather not talk about my day. Thats it if they ask why just say because id rather not. If they ask well why are you out so late? You can im an adult i didnt know i had a curfew. Have a non answer already ready for their questions. Nevery concent to a search. If they ask why you dont want them to search just say because it's my civil right to refuse. All you have to do by law is hand over your driver's license and any other information ut nothing else is their business. And if your state is not a stop and ID state then passengers don't have to give up their ID unless they are getting a ticket or something on a regular traffic stop. My state Oklahoma we dont have to show Izd until we are arrested unless you are the driver the you have to. Not even if you are just being detained. Everyone should know their rights and what laws their state has about giving ID and everything else.

  10. They probably consider weed oil a "concentrate" – according to a quick google search, possession of any thc concentrate in Florida is a felony, up to 5 years in jail / $5k fine

  11. Does anybody remember the advice, "Just say no"? I believe this was intended in relation to drugs. But, now, I'm convinced it is in relation to dealing with law enforcement.

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