The Israeli Occupation: Unmasking the Truth Behind "Fighting Hamas"

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti is a Palestinian medical doctor and politician in the West Bank. Mustafa founded and is currently the …


  1. Are the statistics of civilians killed by Israeli missiles coming from Hamas unreliable? Well, does the October 7 attack justify the complete destruction of Gaza?

    Does October 7 justify collective punishment and cutting off electricity, water, food and fuel for 2.3 million civilians in Gaza?

    Does October 7 justify ethnic cleansing and forcing civilians to leave their homes and flee into the unknown?

    Does October 7 justify preventing foreign journalists from entering Gaza?

    Have you seen the bombing of hospitals, universities, schools, roads, bakeries, homes and buildings? Have you seen the targeting of displaced people? Have you seen the bombing of medical and ambulance crews? Did you hear about the killing of 70 of your fellow journalists? Their names and ID numbers are known! Have you heard the United Nations testimony? Did you hear that hundreds of workers in United Nations institutions were killed? Have you seen the bombings of mosques and churches? Have you seen the bombing of markets? Whoever ignores the Holocaust in Gaza and whoever denies the genocide in Gaza is a criminal or an accomplice in the crime, like the American, German-British administration and the biased media funded by the Zionist and Israeli lobbies.

  2. The Palestinian people are the most cultured and educated people in the world, which is why the will to resist against occupation, colonialism and the Nazi siege has not and will not be broken. Palestinians are fighting for freedom and justice. The occupation is abhorrent, and its advocates and partners are even more impudent and ridiculous.The washed minds that justify aggression, colonialism, persecution, racism, and the killing of civilians do not concern me

  3. Why is it you never discuss the continuous atrocities that Palestinians commit. Always remove comments that call you out on it. This is journalism? Yes , the one sided narrative that everyone else does. One and the same. Long live Israel.

  4. I prefer to stay out of this debate because I am a Christian and I don't want to support a side that is pretending to be a victim while it's committing murders.

    I suspect that both sides have flaws. Israel seems to be doing evil things but it's hard to verify anything. Even video proof can get faked it's so sad how in this day and age there isnt good and reliable footage of atrocities. It's as if these atrocious acts are UFO events

  5. Neither of them explain how palestine is under occupation, instead they keep saying occupation since 75 years.

    If that is true, the only way it can be recitfied is freeing palestine, which in term means freeing palestine of the entire country of israel

  6. Why do I keep hearing how BAD Israel is, was?
    WE enabled them, WE made them what they are today.
    WE must stop them..PERIOD..
    Their planes must not land, their ships cannot port, their products must be banned from shelves.
    Let's see how long they will last as this most despicable nation they have become

  7. 10:20 That was the whole point wasn't it? All this 'meaning' conflagarating of Zionists and Jews, was to set you ask a nazi inserts up for the blame, and the real Jews, too, are gonna have to take heat for the crimes of the Zionists. Brilliant!! This magic trick has been going on for Ages. It's called the 'scapegoat' isn't it? No elites, your AI ain't getting you off for this shit. You're paying for these crimes, we know who you are, and we have to have someone to blame. Because I'm not paying for this shit.

  8. Israel took Gaza, the West Bank and Sinai from Jordan and Egypt during the '67 War. They gave back Sinai and withdrew from Gaza in 2005.
    I remember when people and politicians called for them to give back the West Bank and Gaza to Jordan and Egypt.
    Why not now?

  9. I don't believe any of this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, specially when Israel gives gaza, specially when Israel have tremendous trace of looking for peace, specially when any history are in favor of Israel, sorry dude.

  10. This guy's a cl0wn and u can tell by his fake information the numbers regarding the bombings being equivalent to Nagasaki and Hiroshima is likely false as we can see that anywhere from 100,000 to 200,000 people were killed by them vs 18,000 (at most, probably fake but even so) in Gaza with Hiroshima and Nagasaki having only roughly 2x the population density it seems highly unlikely that an equivalent of explosives was dropped given the vast death disparage. Furthermore his use of buzz words also renders suspicion (like white supremacy, c'mon man!)

  11. He brought up Sweden- now known as the rape capital of Europe , only because of migrants. . I find it worrying that while I support Palestinians wanting to stay on their own land, with no interest of moving to the West, he brought up that subject. The West is being flooded by military-aged men who should stay in their own countries and support it. They don't, but to add to the story, had the West not turned their own countries into poverty-stricken war zones, would they be there? It's all by design- line up for your digital ID, digital currency, to keep you "safe", The hatred for the West by so many etreme Muslims was caused by the West.

  12. This guest was amazing. I would only ask about his use of the descriptor of white supremacy to characterize the behavior of Israel. Israel has separated themselves from the white demographic, while allowing anti white hatred to proliferate in the west.

  13. Can turn question on itself, why does the US not vacate South Carolina so the Israelis can settle there? Rather than ask why Middle Eastern countries do not take Gazans who were forced out of their homes

  14. Say, America gets occupied by a racist invader, wouldn't the Americans fight back with everything they got? Would they accept the invaders' call to move to Canada or Mexico? Of course not. So, why are we expecting the Palestinians to do that? I'm sick and tired of those politicians and pundits who are, thoughtlessly, calling for such. Besides, why shouldn't we expect the Israelis to go back to the countries of which they've been living in over the past 2,000 years, prior to the establishment of Israel in 1948?

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