1. probably an inappropiate thing to notice, but it's ironic how she left her diary around to get her husband to break up with her, but the husband valued her privacy and never read her diary….

  2. I wish universities and colleges would offer substance abuse counseling or some option for those struggling. Expelling someone and saying “you’re bad” is not the answer. That just hurts the person in need of help even more. Makes me sad.

  3. Ok was listening on Spotify, but hadda come to the YT, I. MUST SEE YOU GUYS, when she says “…ya know when watchingLAW & ORDER…IT HAPPENED LIKE THAT”. She sounded soooo EXCITED, I GOTTA SEE IT 😂😂😂😂😂. LOVE YOU 2 ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. I love it when we hear a new story we have not heard before! I ALSO have to add, as a person with extreme light sensitivity ( sun and overhead lights ) I really love your studio! It’s dark and no blinding white!! Love it and it soothes my head ha thx for not using bright white! Good lighting!!

  5. i’ve been a big fan since yall started posting. i met my boyfriend shortly after; your podcast is my go-to play when i do my makeup or drink or clean at home. every single time i play one of your videos, my boyfriend without fail HAS to mention that Garrett’s 10 seconds is actually Garrett’s Minute. It always kills me watching when Garrett ends his minute and a half long spiel, because it’s never 10 seconds the way it used to be when you started. Watching both of your personalities shine and especially Garrett opening up and having fun, it is my absolute favorite part of being a fan. ❤

  6. An addict will do almost anything to cover up their drug usage. Although, I’ve never heard of anyone killing some one. Addicts are pitiful and will do almost anything to get a fix. I’ve watched this time and time again. Almost nothing will get in their way. I do believe that if you commit murder you have to be a narcissist to think you’d get away with murdering anyone.

  7. I just want to share:
    Meth DOES NOT make someone murder.

    I was addicted to crack and IV meth + heroin (fentanyl) for about 4 years.

    I lost it all.

    I was homeless, broke, hopeless but I never once thought about killing someone’s even when I knew they had something I wanted or stood in the way of me having drugs.

    Not even when they did me dirty or assaulted me so I think it’s important to be clear that if things get to this level … there’s other issues like mental health issues.

  8. I'm still shocked that she was able to have and addiction like that and have career she had then get fired and get hired at another place just like it! No drug testing or checking out her previous employer?

  9. I'm an addict. This is deep and sad and a really shitty. You're always an addict no matter what. And no you will never get back to your old self. Ever. It's sad but there's always room for a new better person if you choose to be and out in the work. I'm still not even there with a year and 3 months clean. I've been addicted since I was 15 and I'm turning 27 on December 26th. It's a literal disease and it's horrible nobody sees it like that that can change how it's approached etc like scientists even, doctors, pharmacists etc. but they choose not to and turn a huge blind eye just to make a huge profit. My advice if you have friends or family or even a stranger you've met and want to help. Don't enable. Buy them what they need don't hand them money. Keep your distance and don't fall for their lies begging pleading etc. that's the only way to help them but not fully. They can only get clean if they want to help themselves. Sometimes they don't want to tho like me. I moved very far away and have just chose to stay clean and be who I need/want to be and wanting cute scene girl alt clothes and tattoos and my daughter are a huge motivation for money to go to instead of drugs😅😊 shopping is a bigger urge now but that can also be an addiction being switched from one to another so watch out with that too. I'm in therapy and still working on myself and my life. It's gonna take more then 10 years to finally feel somewhat normal again. To feel apart of anything if you can even get to that point. It's a sad horrible life. Even after. It's the hardest thing I will ever do. I've had broken bones without going to the doctor for weeks because my mom wouldn't take me to get it fixed , child birth all natural. Had the worst damn flu I've ever had in my life and all those put together will NEVER be enough or compare to how bad withdrawals are. It will and can end your life whether you stay on drugs or get off cold turkey, or even medication help like Suboxone, methadone, the shot, nausea meds, and sleeping meds etc that they give you or you have options for you can die on any of them still. Trying to get clean can still end your life. You get so close to dying and being over that edge if you're lucky you get out alive. A lot of people do but some don't and I almost didn't make it so I had to stop and take methadone that day because the doctor I went to their nurse had to revive me so they gave me methadone with my choice because I wasn't going to make it through the withdrawals all the way without dying. All of it is bad. But you have to just keep living that day you're in at the moment and get through it. It's sad she was introduced to it, like I was. And there's no one there to help her out and she did all of this. Jesus Christ 😢

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