Travelling With Medical Cannabis in Australia (Locally) Explained by Lawyer Andrew Dowling

Medicinal cannabis is legal Australia wide and more patients are beginning to travel interstate. In the very early stages of …


  1. Why would cannabis users have to be “discreet” about using cannabis in public when cigarettes smokers have no concerns about using nicotine in public ? Nobody seems to care about people drinking alcohol in public and alcohol is the most damaging drug in this country.

  2. It would be really cool (even an idea for an ABC segment) to have a patient with prescription travel around Australia domestically, with all paperwork and a lawyer/solicitor on stand-by to document the process.

    I imagine the sooner security and law enforcement start bumping shoulders with these situations, the sooner it will become normalised and potentially a part of their training (if it isn't already).

  3. I don't know if it is still relevant but I have just ridden my motorcycle across and up and then back down Australia all the while using my medical cannabis. Stored only in its jar with my prescription clearly affixed to the label. To add I store my MC in sealed proof container. I have a TGA requested log book and use only when I have stopped traveling for the day. I fill my TGA requested log book in and do not drive. I will note here that a doctor has agreed with me and Tomas Arkell that 240-300 mins post ingestion of my Cannabis has deemed me fit to drive. Now I am a West Australian and I just beat a charge of presents of THC by the prosecution discontinuing the charge against me because I was following my doctors advice. I could prove the medicine was legitimate for me to use, good luck too anybody who beats this charge with illicit cannabis. I hope my experiences help in this discussion

  4. Just did over Easter with my weed, dynavap and induction coil in my hand luggage. no one even asked to look. On the way back we were so early, we ate breakfast and then I went back outside to the DoSA and ripped off a few vapes in front of the AFP, and back through X-ray again.. Good times..

  5. In Qld anything used to consume marijuana is illegal, such as a pipe or a bong, or a vapouriser, it's not possible to even buy them. if prescribed marijuana are these devices legal? smoking a joint sounds unhealthy

  6. Medical Cannabis and a Good Diet are a medical necessity for all those of us who have been innocently and ignorantly consuming such hard to avoid Mitochondrial Poisonous Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils in our diets and got one or more of many more modern thus Metabolically Caused Diseases and CANCERS. These barely existed before about 1900 when industrially manufactured Vegetable Seed Oils and foods started becoming available. You need to exclude all manufactured snacks, takeaways, restaurant fried and manufactured foods to avoid all these vegetable oils. The ideal solution for ultimate healthy longevity is to go fully VEGAN and take Cannabis Supplementation to boost your damaged Endocannabinoid System until you are better (maybe 2 years or so) while getting all vegetable seed extract, typical industrially refined cooking oils out of your diet. You certainly can use some polysaturated animal food-based oil/fat, that is in all animal products if you are not quite so ill or worried about living as long as reasonably possible while remaining perfectly healthy. Best luck from your optimally self reeducated and friendly family Dr David who wants to see you be actually cured of all the modern diseases that are definitely so dietary-based in origin.

  7. I’m flying on Thursday, I have called JetStar 4 times and received 3 different answers
    I have been prescribed dried flower, Ayala taking 10 grams with me, along with my script and TGA approval
    Let’s see how I go….
    tell you the truth, I’m a bit nervous 😬
    Thanks, your information is very much appreciated

  8. Great video, thank you for the information. I also wonder what the rules are around driving, I understand you can’t be under the influence behind the wheel, however, the effects of THC lasts up to 6hrs but can show up on a roadside test for up to 24 – 48hrs after consumption.

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