5 Weird Things – Marijuana

Welcome to another fascinating episode! Today, we’re going to take a look at the daily indulgence of many…Marijuana! No matter …


  1. CBD & THC are both considered p♡ssy juice.
    Sinsemilla: female without seed. Seeds are made in the ovarys. The red hairs are the pistol or female SEX oregon of the plant. A sticky liquid made in the ovary is pushed up the red hair to catch male Essenc on the wind. Where is my Reasoning flawed?

  2. The only truly medicinal purpose I believe it has is the anti seizure properties which is truly amazing. But the wonder drug philosophy on weed is bunk. For the most part it's just a drug that gets your high. People working at dispensaries arent medicine providers or health care workers. You are just drug dealers!

  3. The fact that you associate cannabis with teen explains that your thoughts and understanding about cannabis comes from 1950. All the parents I know consum cannabis daily and if you raise your teen with the understanding and good morals then your kids won't be using cannabis until they are of legal age. Same goes for alcohol. So do a vid on how bad alcohol is and how teens are abusing it.

  4. Quoting Joe Rogan about people overdosing in a Marijuana, weed, cannabis videos is very dam weird because no one has ever overdosed on THC or died of the munchies! Note* CBD'S under the tongue can help anyone who is overdosing on THC.

  5. Fun fact: The human body has an entire endocannibinoid system, meaning that humans are supposed to consume cannabis. You touched on it a bit when you said something about receptors. The more you know!

  6. The only thing you got a little bit wrong in there bro is we’re kind of coming to find out the whole indica and sativa thing was a pretty big misconception. Indica does not necessarily give you one type of feeling nor does sativa give you one type of feeling either. So the Indica in the couch and the sativa being the energetics feeling is pretty much a myth. it doesn’t really matter because we all react to cannabis in different ways.

  7. Okay I have one weird fun fact to add to the pile here.

    While you have the most commonly known sativa and indica, there is another type that has a unique quality. Cannabis Ruderalis is from I think Eastern Europe or the Middle East. The really cool feature this type of plant has is in its growth process. Standard indica and sativa require a very specific lighting schedule to produce flowers (the bud you smoke). Cannabis ruderalis does not. Indica and sativa require 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark to trigger the plant to flower. Ruderalis plants have no such requirement and will start to flower on their own without any influences from lighting intensity or scheduling. Growers call these plants Autos or Auto flowers. They can be cross bread with indica and sativa strains to also produce easy to grow “name brand” cannabis. Sort of easy to grow. Not exactly the easiest thing to do. Indica and sativa plants are also called “Photos” or “Photo periods” by growers. So when discussing growing with other growers it’s important to specify if you’re growing photos or autos as they do have different growing, training, and lighting techniques required to have a successful grow.

    Tbh there’s probably way more interesting facts about the growth process of cannabis than any other aspect of the plant. Seeing these things grow from a tiny little seed into a big healthy happy plant is really fascinating and just incredible. They grow so fast. If you take care of them when they are alive, they take care of you when they are done growing.

    Did you know the weed you smoke daily is not fresh off the plant? That’s right, the cannabis you consume has been cut off the plant and dried for 7-10 days. Then it is put in jars for at very least a month. That jar is opened daily for the month for a process called burping. This process in total is called curing. Without curing cannabis is almost completely unsmokeable. If you do not cure your cannabis it just tastes like super harsh grass. It’s disgusting to smoke and the high isn’t as strong. The thc needs to ferment in order to be maximized. And ideal cure for cannabis can take half a year or more. The whole time it’s just getting more stinky, more flavorful, and the thc will hold its potency. Once you start putting it in ziplock bags and opening it every day to stick your hands in and move it around a lot, it starts to degrade.

    Okay that was longer than I meant and I’m cutting myself off here. I’m realizing I could go for hours on this topic.

  8. I don't know why people keep on saying that indica or sativa is about a more uplifting high or a couch lock. It has nothing to do with that, it's just about the plant structure. An indica can be uplifting aswell.

  9. One weird thing I know thats not mentioned here is the entourage effect, the smell and flavor compounds (terpines and flavanoids) can dramatically change the effects of thc.
    The weird part is terpines are not unique to cannabis so other plants like mango for example makes the effects much stronger if eaten before consuming thc

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