Beyond TRT Part 1: Testosterone, Pregnenolone, DHEA and Thyroid

Is your TRT Not Working? Do you need troubleshooting for your testosterone replacement therapy? In this video Dave Lee covers …


  1. πŸ‘‰πŸ» ➜Link to Dave Lee's e-book Beyond TRT:
    πŸ’‰ ➜Visit the ShopTestStore for your supplements (like Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin D3+K2 combination), 29G 1ml insulin syringes, desinfection alcohol pads, 10ml glass vials (Transfer testosterone from 1ml glass ampoules into a 10ml vial), MicroNeedling Derma Rollers, Derma Stamp, and much more at
    πŸ“˜ ➜e-book: "Acne on TRT", by Dermatologist Dr. Steven Devos MD PhD:
    πŸ“˜ ➜e-book: "The Ultimate Guide to TRT Cream" Why Compounded Testosterone Cream is the BEST option for TRT, by Dr. Steven Devos MD PhD:
    πŸ‹πŸΌ ➜Best workout split on TRT:
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  2. Started taking DHEA 25mg a day(12.5 morning+12.5 at night) after I checked my DHEA level of 133.6 ug/dl. Since the range goes from 34.5 to 568.9. I want to be on the upper side of the spectrum and not on the lower side. I'm currently 37 years old. Not sure if I'm doing the right thing in taking it.

  3. This is probably a long shot, but I'm trying to find some correlation between DHEA and caffeine, and I seem to be coming up short.

    I've been dependent on caffeine for over a decade, and I mean fairly large amounts of caffeine every day. For example, for as long as I can remember, I start my day off with between 6-800mg of caffeine every morning and then another 3-500mg later in the afternoon as a preworkout. About a 6 weeks ago, I had yearly bloodwork done for TRT, and it came back that my DHEA levels were very low (80). I'm a 38 year old male. The Dr recommended that I start supplementing with 25mg of DHEA. So, I did, and about 2 weeks ago, I started to notice that I was experiencing EXTREME fatigue. It was literally painful to stay awake, along with extreme brain fog. I also started sleeping more in general, taking more frequent and longer naps, etc. Well, about a week ago, I started to notice that when I first woke up in the morning, I actually felt rather normal and awake. Much different than before, almost like I didn't even need my usual massive caffeine dose but I would still take it anyway and within like 30 minutes of taking it that's when the fatigue and brain fog would start. So, I experimented the last few days by cutting my caffeine way back, down to around 150mg-200mg in the morning, and now I feel fine. No fatigue, no brain fog. I now feel, dare I say, pretty good. A month ago, I literally would not have been able to function on just 200mg of caffeine. This morning I decided to not take the 200mg upon waking and so far I feel normal (good). I have had zero caffeine withdraws, whereas before all this started happening, if I didn't take caffeine immediately upon waking, shortly after I would have an insane headache, along with brain fog, fatigue, etc.

    So, have you ever heard of anything like this? Is this just a coincidence and something else is going on? Or has supplementing DHEA fixed something that I didn't even know needed fixing. Or am I just trying to find a correlation in something that has no correlation.

    If you have any further insight on this, I would be very grateful to hear about it. Thanks.

    Edit to add. I posted this comment before I got the the DHEA part of the video and I see where you touch on DHEA and caffeine a bit. However, I would love to get a bit deeper and learn more about the correlation.

  4. BE CAREFUL GUYS!!! I tried high quality dhea and pregnenolone 3 years ago and after 2 weeks on that stuff my libido FULLY left my body, so did any feeling of pleasure not just during sex but while eating food and other stuff. Years later some of it came back, but feels like I'll never be the same as i was before. Ive tried everything i could to fix this…

  5. Great video Dave!
    I'm 45 yo and I'm about to do my first blood test to see if my pregnenolone and DHEA levels currently need to be optimised. I've never done any blood test in my life, so it's about time.
    I've done some amateur bodybuilding shows as a natural in the past (about 8 to 5 years ago) and my hormones really got out of wack from all the extreme dieting back then (low libido for quite some time back then, nowadays luckily back to normal)
    I've never been on TRT and I hope that won't be neccesary either.
    Great info, cheers!

  6. everytime i take testosterone i feel exhausted and have brain fog. Oppostie of what I was expecting. even at low doses. seems anytime i take a needle of anything I get brain fog. any clue what this could be?

  7. As a trainer with 40 years of experience working with people from all walks of life, I congratulate you sir and a well done video and effort of research. πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ‘

  8. My doc put me on mesterolone 25 mg for two months. I take TRT and T3. but fell off around year 6. Raising my test did not seem to help. He said some people get good results doing 60 days. He said it might just reset my system.

  9. I truly believe that the diets are having a huge impact on hormones. I would look into carnivore nutrition with high animals fat before doing hormone therapy. You will be surprised how fast your male body will start making the correction of hormones. Body can not make hormones without high fats at any age. Just my experience

  10. Hello brother, love your videos I've been on trt for many years but the last couple years been feeling just really tired the only thing that looks off is my pregnenolone but maybe I'm not reading the lab correctly was wondering if you could take a look and let me know if it's low also my level is 24 ng/dl also what would be a good starting dose daily in mg

  11. Nice content sir, i have middle-low levels of DHEA-s but unfortunately i can't test preg. 10 days ago i started taking 25mg DHEA and 10mg pregnenolone assuming it will be on a similar range. I have tested progesterone though, do you think if pregnenolone goes at superphysiological range it would raise also progesterone enough so i can see it via bloodwork and lower or discontinue the pregnenolone or wait until any side effects kick in? Or perhaps cutting the 10mg lozenge in half to play it more safe?

  12. My pregnenolone levels are 15 ng/dL. After a couple days of 10 mg i got scared because i felt my nips burn a bit so I popped an AI. But after a week of pregnenolone 10 my results came out to 30 ng/dL this time. Should i supplement? Thanks for the amazing lecture, your passion is unreal and inspiring

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