1. I am 5 months sober, Iā€™ve just purchased those trip drinks as Iā€™m looking for alternatives! I completely get where these comments come from but I think itā€™s important to remember Stef and Hannah have never claimed to be alcoholics so their reasons for being sober/less alcohol drinkers are different to those who have suffered from addiction.

  2. I'm 26 now and I've been drinking heavily since I got to uni. The peer pressure was insane and I didn't even realize how problematic my behavior was. Now that I'm older I'm starting to see how a lot of my friendships are just based on drinking and going out and that's not the kind of connection I want anymore. I've struggled a lot mentally and I have horrible ADHD and PTSD which makes drinking so pleasant in the short term, but it has destroyed so much of who I am in the long run. I guess the moment I realized I needed to stop drinking (and doing drugs tbh), is when I got home after a night out at 8 a.m. and I was proud of myself for 'not being too embarrassing'. I'm always nervous before a night out because I know that I'm mentally struggling and I tend to do embarrassing things or say things I don't want to share, yet I still keep drinking. That was a huge wake up call for me. Also, I grew up with an alcoholic father who would abuse us and a drug-addicted brother and it seems so insane to me that I didn't learn my lesson from them. I've had 2 glasses of wine this month, it was to unwind with friends in a pub and celebrate the end of my exams and even after that, I kind of regretted it because I could feel myself wanting more and I know I would have kept drinking if I didn't have a train to catch. Since then I haven't had any drinks and I hope I can get to where you guys are one day.

  3. This video is so cringe. Sounds like some kind of cult. Just have a few drinks a week, itā€™s not going to kill you. And whatā€™s with all the stupid little clips? Trying too hard muchā€¦

  4. These two have really little consideration using this as clickbait. They have not gone alcohol free as they have said they have had a drink. Nobody would say anything other than well done for cutting it out and now really limiting what you consume, but to use the word sober is wrong. Itā€™s like me saying I donā€™t drink after having five glasses of wine because I wasnā€™t drunk! Sober is zero alcohol.

  5. You have interesting things to say about the emotional and social contexts in which you drink and your experience of cutting down – shame you couldnā€™t leave it at that. Sobriety does not mean not getting wasted – if you are having an occasional drink, you are not sober. I think we can all accept a bit of click bait, but this is something else. This video trivialises and exploits addiction to fit in with a sponsorship. Uncomfortable viewing.

  6. I lost my best friend to alcoholism. She left behind her partner and five children, her family, countless students that absolutely adored her and what should hwve heen a long life ahead of her. Im afraid the only way to be sober is to give up booze completely. No exceptions or excuses or justifications. Im sorry but if you dont, it will only end badly. Thats it. All there is to know. There is support available just speak to your GP.

  7. I find this vlog very distasteful,my husband is 30 years sober and has lost half is family to alcohol addiction he has worked really hard and it hasnā€™t been easy
    You are trivialising alcoholism and the silly sketches in the background I find very distasteful,you would sell your soul to the devil for an Ad ,to think I used to love you both in the early days oh how youā€™ve changed ,itā€™s so disappointingšŸ˜ž

  8. Perhaps this video should have come with a disclaimer to explain that sobriety to you is being able to drink alcohol but not get drunk. Generally speaking long term sobriety is complete abstinence from alcohol. You've stretched the terminology on a technicality to allow yourself to have a drink every once in a while. Still think it's great that you've both changed your relationship with alcohol but not sure you can market it as sobriety

  9. I lost my father in law to to alcoholism. I remember when my husband and I first started dating his Dad would have already downed 5 cans of lager for breakfast. And then he died of liver/organ failure after never even attempting to give up the booze.
    I think lowering your alcohol intact is fab but I think itā€™s quite insulting to call your selves sober when you still drink and arenā€™t alcoholics.
    You just drink less. You arenā€™t sober.
    Calling yourselves ā€œsoberā€ (when actually 5 mins later Hannah says she still drinks šŸ˜‚) lessens the horrificly hard journey alcoholics and their families go through.
    Thereā€™s also a huge debate about whether or not CBD could be counted towards sobrietyā€¦most would claim not as sobriety is free from alcohol and drugs.

  10. Love you guys but 'i have had a glass of wine and a shandy' so you can't really say you have quit alcohol in the title! And here is our sponsor… no. Also I really love all your content Hannah but please be careful advising everyone on nutrition without a nutrition qualification, it's dangerous. As I said, always been a fan guys but I think you need to tread carefully in these topics x

  11. I can only have MAYBE one or two drinks a month for medical reasons, but I choose not to use the word sober to describe myself, out of respect for the recovered alcoholics in my life who fight the good fight every single day. It just doesnā€™t feel like my personal truth. Howeverā€¦thereā€™s no need to attack Hannah and Stef when their intentions were clearly good here. I wouldnā€™t use the word sober to describe them either, but your total, years long sobriety doesnā€™t suddenly mean less just because two people on the internet used the same word. That is still a huge accomplishment and Iā€™m super impressed by it. Just food for thought!

  12. Thank you lovelies for answering my question. I do sometimes wonder about how much drinking is encouraged in the UK, esp for us 80s kids as we were growing up. When you take a step back you can see just how much of how society works is massively geared around drinking culture.

  13. Thank you lovelies for answering my question. I do sometimes wonder about how much drinking is encouraged in the UK, esp for us 80s kids. When you take a step back you can see how much of how society works is really geared around drinking culture. Especially in the capital.

  14. Iā€™ve done dry January and have enjoyed it most of the time. But I think thereā€™s still a long way to go in pubs/ restaurants as the only option is 0% beer and never trip CBD or anything. Thereā€™s only so many glasses of ginger beer I can have

  15. Lol so many people are so judgemental in the comments when the bottom line is, people try to do better with their lives and that doesn't have to call for perfectionism. Healthy choices doesn't have to be all or nothing.

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