1. the problem with this is that chess was designed to be on squares. Grey mentions that hexes are often used to get rid of diagonals. I think then, if you convert chess to hexes, you should get rid of the diagonals. such a big change may seem outlandish but if your going to try and upgrade the game with the board, reflect that in the rules, otherwise the hexes don't really serve much purpose.

  2. I come to this comments section to speak not of this video, but the one that comes after: one-in-a-million. Having to do so only because the comments on said video are turned off. I get CGP Grey's mentality most of the time, but not this time… not now.

    I will say it is very cool that you uploaded all of the results videos days in advance.

  3. Please bring back comments Grey.

    The comment section is one of the many factors that contribute to why the Youtube watching experience is so special to me. Reading what other viewers' thoughts on the video, both the good and bad, then also reading others' thoughts on those comments does really elevate the experience.

    As a student who doesn't have time for other social media sites, nor the processing power to even engage with them (my devices are always slow), Youtube is the only site I often use. Putting Reddit as the main way views can engage in discussion is inconvenient at best, and at worst, destructive.

    This video is a clear example; it is mostly just regular praise for the content, and maybe one or two thought-provoking comments, but that's it. You can never expect most people to put more thought and effort than the bare minimum to comment, of course, but that's what reply chains are for. Without it, the video, while still very well-made of course, just feels so much emptire; it is not much better than turning off your comments entirely.

    I dont't even know if you will, or can, read this, and you do not owe your non-patron viewers like myself anything, but I do sincerely hope you'll really consider going back on this decision. I'd rather deal with bots then take away the magic of the comment section.

    An avid, non-patron fan.

  4. I loved learning about Hexagon Chess!!

    Over time I felt increasingly disinterested in getting to know more about Chess than I already do (i.e. pretty, pretty basic) cause like… It feels as if everything is already kind of discovered? Or should have been? Not to mention computers, player AIs, etc.

    It's been around for such a long time and it seems like everytime I make an opening move, an experienced opponent knows EXACTLY what it is and exactly how to counter and knows what I'm going to do, how it's going to go – or, I mean, I could always be unpredictable but that would only happen by making a mistake, I guess, which is _worse_. So I don't feel very excited to learn how to play better… But this seems like a shake up in that it opens the game so much that creativity is more rewarded than mechanical manipulation of known patterns.

  5. Not happy with the multiple membership levels. Saw that a video as restricted, "members only", clicked "become a member", became a member, and it was STILL restricted, because apparently I needed a higher level.
    In the browser, I now see it is clear when you click a video what level is required, but in the smart TV app it's not.
    You make great videos, and apparently I was even prepared to become a paying member, but this was a bummer ๐Ÿ™

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