CBD Oil For Autism – Snake Oil?

CBD hit the UK in the past few years receiving mixed public reactions… Dr. Miyabe Shields talks about the real benefits and …


  1. I live in the US and I've been vaping indica for the last five years for my AuADHD. I also suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, and occasional intrusive thoughts and I can honestly say that it helps me stay regulated. There truth is that this plant can be extremely helpful to autistic people looking for a natural alternative.

  2. Hemp is a very nutritious pseudocereal (term of the day!). It's possible to incorporate it, as low THC food grade, into your diet (say breakfast) as hulled or powder. The whole "grain" is available but has a tough husk. Those essential fatty acids are good for our brains (from what I've read, in my humble opinion).

  3. Uh yeah, CBD has only been helpful for me for anxiety and insomnia….it never did a damn thing for my autism lol. Didn't even know ND people used it for that. For me, I get more anxiety and insomnia the closer I get to my menstrual cycle. CBD oil (I use the hemp variety) really helps me to relax amd sleep in that final week before my period. Otherwise I'm actually pretty chemically sensitive, so most drugs are off the table for me

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