1. The city needs to stop trying to stifle the voters wishes.
    Ohio Republicans need to stop trying to oppose the voices of the real people.

    Just leave the folks alone, it’s just Marijuana

  2. I don't understand why people don't vote by ISSUE not party!! Republicans are supposed to be the party that reigns in unchecked spending, but they have evolved into a dictatorship that only listens to the NRA and Right-To-Lifers. There is a Senator from the state I'm living in now and he is a licensed doctor but he refuses to vote for legalizing even medical cannabis. I suspect Eli Lilly is running Indiana and funding the Republicans of this state. Since 1938 the minimum wage has been raised 23 times. 21 times by Democratic lead Congresses and only twice by Republicans. The Reddest states in America are the southern states and they are also the poorest, and they keep re-electing the people that are keeping them poor! Republicans don't give a F*** about children. Why? children can't contribute to their campaigns like the NRA can, dumping huge amounts of money into their elections just to keep guns in the hands of people who shouldn't own them. That's ok. Those children who survived those school shootings will grow up to vote them out of office.

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