Detoxing in Jail: Treating Opioid Use Behind Bars | NBC Left Field

In Bellingham, Washington, a recent class action lawsuit by the ACLU may impact how inmates across the country are treated for …


  1. This is America folks- the prison system plays a central role in maintaining the class system. Punishing the poor and watching them suffer are our favorite national pastimes. A compassionate society would offer MAT in every facility, offer Suboxone or Bupenephrone treatment for addicts and allow inmates to learn a skilled trade to one day break free of the poverty cycle and contribute to their communities. Hope is the greatest weapon against addiction. But no, we prefer to build for-profit prisons, pass ineffective draconian drug laws and use militarized police forces to target the poorest, most vulnerable among to insure they cannot vote, get a quality education, or have a voice. Meanwhile the wealthy class hire top defense lawyers and never face penalties for the same offenses. This is America and the rich don’t care about the suffering of others in prison- they want the convicted to suffer.

  2. I ammm having severe anxiety panic and can eat urinsting I feel so sick day 2 im only on 2mgs the lowest and im super sickly and sedated feeling!!! And I can’t sleep anyone’s else??? I can’t get help from my

  3. My brother went into prison with an addiction mainly with fentanyl, so the prisons gave him suboxone, when he was released he had a ton of it that they gave him when he was let out. It seems so stupid to me because he immediately sold a bunch of it or traded it for Xanax. So as soon as he was released he was given a jump start with tweaking on the streets again 😂

  4. Yea subs make it easier but it mask your problems you're still an addict and you eventually have to withdrawal from the subs which have a longer half life. Even on the blocker you go thru misuse of that drug and returning to others or mixing with xans .. I always advise cold turkey and edibles to help sleep at night 500 mg to 1k herbal tea, immodium, exercise, get use to crying, but keep going and in 4 months you'll have natural rest and you'll start to pick yourself up.

  5. I'm in the process of stopping smoking. (I refuse to call it 'quitting'.)
    I know it's the the same, but it's why I came here.
    I'm 58 Years old and have smoked one pack a day since I was 14.
    I stopped October 1st.
    I'm using the patches and have a damned horrible allergy the polymers in the adhesives, but I'm still going forward, regardless. It's hard. Damned hard. For the first time during all of this, a few days ago I actually questioned myself whether I could do it. It's not about failing. I'm scare of the detoxing. I'm scared that I won't have the strength once the patches are over.
    So I came here.
    Thank you. I have more courage now. I appreciate the gift you've given to me.
    Peace be with you all.

  6. Why isn’t Suboxone used in jails nationwide? My cousin almost died in jail & zero medical. For 13 days straight; she didn’t eat, only sipped sink water, constantly vomiting stomach bile, no bowl movements, or any movements at all! If I hadn’t of hired a $5K attorney & paid for her to be transferred to a $32K detox & program (cheapest in SWFL), she’d be dead today!! Just terrible 😱

  7. To put it another way. I received medically assisted detox off heroin and other substances (I refused methadone or suboxone). My ex partner was kept in a room, unmedicated cold turkey – and almost died. Medically assisted detox protects the addicts who are trying to get clean, in prison or not.

  8. After my mother underwent chemotherapy for breast cancer, she said to me:"Now I can sort of understand how difficult it was for you during opiate withdrawal, I'm sorry son I didn't know."
    I said :" it's okay mom."

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