Dr Jones' Top 7 Tips to a Healthy and Long Lived Senior Cat

Dr Jones’ Free Book… Dr Jones shows you his 7 most important natural remedies and tips to …


  1. Our eldest cat is 23 in June , she’s like a spring chicken and never has had her injections !
    She has dried and wet food and chicken 🎉Happy Birthday 23 in June 2024 “

    She’s had no vaccines ever as indoor , others I’ve had did have them and they passed at 11

  2. A Banfield vet inside a Petsmart talked me into letting my very healthy and loved cat get three vaccines insisting they were necessary . Not long afterwards he had fibrosarcoma, Two dozen vet visits and close to $10,000 of dollars for vet bills, including over $5,000 for an oncologist vet and chemo, he had to be euthanized 20 months after those deadly shots.

  3. 1 Tip for a healthy cat’s tongue: Do Not let your cat eat from the can. The inside of the rim is sharp, especially the section where the top is pulled off. Rub your finger around it so you can feel what their tongues feel.

  4. Why should anyone take advice from a vet who suggests that people give their pets over the counter human drugs? PEOPLE shouldn't be taking those damn chemical poisons, let alone innocent animals. Natural plant based medicines or putting colloidal silver water into their water dish, feeding them properly, (NOT dry 'road kill' pet food,) ARE THE BEST WAY TO CARE FOR YOUR PET! And STOP taking your pets to Veterinarians, as they are just as brainwashed as today's Doctors.

  5. I used to get some vaccines for our cats but it would be when they were getting spayed or neutered .
    However one time the person at the desk asked me if I wanted a leukemia vaccination for our cat and I said, that we've NEVER had a cat die of leukemia. I asked her if she got her cats vaccinated with the vaccine and she said yes that she ABSOLUTELY HAD!
    AND she said, "And I've had MANY cats die from leukemia!" 🫢
    I just kind of walked away after that 😮
    You can't fix…

  6. My cat has been diagnosed with malabsorption. She is skinny and is extremely finicky. I’ve tried multiple wet food, home made varieties and she just walks away. I give her vitamin b12 shots, she drinks and her bathroom habits are good. What else should I do? I also put a bit of appetite stimulant inside her ear.

  7. My cat is 11, and prefers wet food, I put water in her food bc its the only way she drinks its, she drink so much more water this way. Got her at 2 years old and only took her to the vet at 8 for a routine checkup, shes happy and still very playful!

  8. I'd advise caution about adding the calcium carbonate supplement. This can cause constipation, at least in people, Constipation in cats with several days without a bowel movement is I believe an emergency situation requiring a vet-administered enema.

  9. This vet is right❤ I have bet nursing, zoo keeping and animal nutrition holistic integrated health…NEVER FEED DRY FEED ITS 💩 LITERALLY.all CPPFs are hazards and non biological appropriate. Feed cats.RAW and water simmered NO SALT human grade turkey mine MOT FROM DELI, lb, quail, chicken and beef. Seek Dr Karen Becker further info. Only vaccinate 5-7 yrs get TITER TEST.

  10. I have a six year old cat, already with some kidney disease as my vet insisted he not eat wet food and has an injection every year (this cat is NEVER and has NEVER been out of the house!) So refreshing to hear the real deal here as I did change to wet food a year ago and left the vet I was seeing so I did not have to get another vaccine. He insists its against the law if I don't! Thanks for the insights to keeping my furry friend healthy.

  11. Just lost my 22.5 year old..neutered one time vaccine..I could not bring myself to traumatize him again..all indoor…EXTREMELY close and affectionate..very active always supervising his friends and me…ALWAYS drank a lot of spring or distilled water…
    His friends drank it,too, but not as much as he did

    He also did HUGE stretches…a lot…
    I always laughed at his frequent outrageous stretches but I now think they were important.

  12. great video as always! I have a question about the vaccines. what if you adopt a street cat of unknown age that has never been vaccinated. should you follow the same steps as you would for a kitten and then stop after 3 years? thanks for sharing all of this with us. also, I used to put chlorophyll in my cat's water and it really helped with her breath. have you heard anything about this?

  13. anyone have ideas on cats with chronic diarrhea? I live next to a city park where animals, especially cats are regularly dumped and more often than not they end up in my yard. Many have health issues which may be why they were dumped. I have brought so many into my vet who gave me a discount but the vet sold the business and the new busine$$ manager and new owner gave me the axe because I brought too many sick kitties into them. The business manager told me not to feed the dumped cats or colony cats and I wouldn't have this problem. I cannot afford what vets are charging these days so I have to rely on alternative remedies and hope they work. I have tried everything possible for chronic runs; prebiotics, probiotics, antibiotics, changing food etc. (which were recommended by vets in the past but didn't work and made things worse). Maybe organic psyllium? My budget is limited these days.

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