FDA investigates link between e-cigarette usage and seizures in kids and young adults

FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb says the administration is investigating a possible link between e-cigarette usage and seizures …


  1. IT'S NOT T.H.C THAT'S KILLING POEPLE IT'S Nicotine. Also it's been proven that T.H.C DOSE not cause lung cancer also been proven no one has ever overdose or died on T.H.C. they really need to do the research on T.H.C stop putting it down !

  2. Seriously more fake news and putting it out there like that without even getting all the facts or any facts! It's all about the money and who is paying who and boy did you guys get paid I put this up and out there without investigating and doing your homework this is why it is fake news freaking morons will post anything the Freak Out the public of nonsense got they have no clue and what they're even talking about. How about instead of bumping the age up to 21 the government do their thing job leave it at 18 and enforce that law and make it stricter and start fining anybody that sells to underage teens. For God's sake we have laws for reasons enforce the ones that we have before we make new ones that you can't even enforce anyways because you don't enforce the ones that we do have stupid idiots. And no vaping does not cause seizures but GD fake news does!

  3. Its a nicotine overdose not from vaping and the data that shows 35 people have had seizures from vaping was recorded from 2010 to 2019 this is just another smear campaign news channel it just spreads lies spreads chaos just to make money

  4. Can anyone explain to me why the FDA would allow the manufacture and sale of e-cigarettes without first enacting laws to prevent sales to Minors? Could the tobacco companies have paid the FDA to "look the other way" on legislating regulations until AFTER millions of American Children became addicted to liquid nicotine? The same tobacco companies that addicted millions of American children to e-cigarettes are very busy selling old style cigarettes to eight-year old kids in India and elsewhere.

  5. Your Juules are too aggressive. Here in germany we dont get seizures from a normal e-cigarette.
    I personally vape only without nicotin. And because it makes some big clouds.
    Maybe you need a stricter nicotine law in America, or the e-cigarettes need better protection from teenagers.

  6. I find it hilarious howe many anti vaping ads are in circulation right now. They do exist but it's rare you see an ad about cigarettes and all the diseases cigarettes can cause.

  7. If you're going to vape, it's probably wisest to avoid the flavoured stuff. The companies had good intentions and yes, the ingredients are all food grade, but things that are safe to eat are sometimes not safe to breathe in, particularly when heated and deeply inhaled. Even now, there are LOTS of e-cig flavours which contain diacetyl a harmless buttery flavoring which can absolutely wreck your lungs if inhaled long term. There is a ton of documentation from people who worked producing microwave popcorn. Diacetyl should be federally banned from any e-cig product.
    Inhaling food grade ingredients on purpose is a brand new thing, with no long term testing, so this is basically an experiment unfolding in real time.
    Just, avoid the flavours. Better to be on the safe side.

  8. first, the fda already made it illegal for kids to buy vapes. second, vape liquid comes in any level of nicotine you want, including zero. an average cigarette has 18mg of nicotine. i tried vaping 10 years ago and accidentally quit smoking cigs- i wasn't trying to quit cigs, just liked vaping so much better i've never smoked since. started at 12 mg and do 3 mg for years now. that's a very low level. nicotine is the addictive ingredient in cigs and vapes, but you can control the dose in vaping, and you don't get the 3,000+ other nasty chemicals that are in cigs.

    until cigarette companies can take control of the vape market, they will continue to try to squash it. no, vaping is not ~good~for you, but it beats the heck out of cancer sticks.

    edit: he actually went there to the exploding battery garbage. every device we use has batteries, and all batteries have the remote potential to explode… an d as for him saying "we don't know where the batteries come from", i know where my e-cig battery comes from just as well as i know where my cell phone battery comes from.

  9. This Doctor crossed over into Quackery when he said: " People who smoke Cigarettes have a higher risk of having seizures" and then failed to point out the Toxins in Tobacco that aren't in e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes do not contain the same cancer-causing TOXIC chemicals like TAR and FORMALDEHYDE! Without that lethal combination, e-cigarettes cannot be lumped in a medical study that tested Tobacco Cigarettes.

  10. Fake news. Just bitter Millennials trying to think they’re better than Gen Z, trying to control them. They can’t handle that this is the Trump generation, not the Obama generation.

  11. R I D I C U L O U S ! ! !
    I quit smoking in three days and I am the HEALTHIEST FEMALE my DR HAS EVER SEEN THAT IS 52 years. Too much nicotine isn’t going to be GREAT! Which is why I USUALLY USE VG 80% with NO FLAVOR NO NICOTINE. When you’re SICK WITH A BRONCHIAL INFECTION, what does one do to help heal? Breathe WATER VAPOR OVER STOVE!

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