Gypsy Rose Blanchard released from prison – Let's Talk About It LIVE!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard released from prison – Let’s Talk About It LIVE! CrimeTalk TV: Welcome to the most …


  1. I feel bad for Godejohn now in prison for life…I don't think that sentence is fair…but if she had told him the mother is lying, he should have gone to the police instead of killing her mother. After all the horror that mother did to her…if I was in that position, I might have done it to her myself. The mother tortured that child mentally and physically for her entire childhood right into teen years, how disgusting. That mother brainwashed that child like a little robot to perform as she wanted.

  2. I don't believe either of them should have been. Gypsy suffered medical abuse from her mother her whole life and her boyfriend is not well. The boyfriend should not be in the public. He wanted to rape her mother and then kill her but Gypsy said no to that. I am worried for her with the man he married. She doesn't have the experience to recognize red flags.

  3. I think that if Gypsy had killed her mother under almost any circumstance. Even if she had been sleeping at the time, then Gypsy may have been able to avail herself of the self-defense doctrine. Because, like in certain cases with domestic violence victims. Those victims are in a perpetual state of fear of imminent harm. I can understand an argument here that regardless of whether she was physically mentally or emotionally attacked at the time she killed her mother Gypsy was experiencing fear of death. But, the fact that she engaged her boyfriend to do this task just complicates things further. I think there's a bit of a mea culpa from the State based on the fact that there are so many professionals (physicians, etc.) who essentially failed this child that was being abused by not speaking up. I believe that may have played some part in mitigating and the length of her sentence.

  4. I would never do it. But I totally understand she did. She said if she went to the police, the mother would convince the police that Gypsy was lying. Then she would get punished severely when they got home. Very severely.

  5. I would think doctors would have to be real careful about reporting Munchausen's by proxy…..Johns Hopkins are supposed to pay Maya Kowolskis family hundreds of millions because of it

  6. My assumption is that Gypsy Rose will just go on and keep on recording shows and if that stops she will make something to trigger news again. Usually those criminals who were 'famous' in a way, cannot get off that adrenaline rush of being popular. Also they realised they already have needed skills to play victim/perpetrator well. But, we will see, of course I may be wrong

  7. I worked on medical records. If you don't tell them about previous doctors, the doctors assume they are the first. Also, should have showed up on records if you change doctors. Not easily caught back then.

  8. Dr are professional drug dealers. They work for big pharmaceutical companies and are trained to treat symptoms rather than the root cause of disease.
    This case is an excellent example of why you shouldn't trust drs. The Plandemic opeded my eyes to the depths of indoctrination
    Speaking of censorship. I had my Instagram account restricted for saying that Jesus is a ✡️

  9. She not only conspired, she facilitated. She planned it all. Provided the knife. Paid his way.
    Her mother was afforded no trial, no due process, no mitigation. She gave her mom the death penalty…and now will make money and meet celebrities.
    It’s gross.

    She’s a manipulator, and always will be. May not rise to the level of violating parole, but she’s not safe for vulnerable people to be around.

  10. I'm sorry but if you have no sympathy for GR or if you think it's so terrible she wants to meet Taylor Swift…. You need to re watch what all her mom did to her, and put yourself in her shoes. WTF??!? Her mom was a MONSTER

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