How to Germinate your Cannabis Seeds!

Germinating seeds is very easy, even if, for legal reasons, we can’t actually say what specific seeds we may be referring to.


  1. Place a seed in a paper towel. Soak it with water and a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide. Stuff it into a plastic sandwich bag. Place the bag in a dutch oven with a lid. Place the dutch oven on a heat mat. Guaranteed success.

  2. Using a bowl works better than a second plate. With a spray bottle, you just need to layer the 2 sheets, place the seeds apart, then place the other 2 sheets and spray the paper towels with the bottle, cover with a bowl in a dark area and wait a few days, be sure to check on them after 2 days to ensure the paper towels are still damp. Once the tap-root has sprouted you can immediately plant the seed. Make sure at first you are not over watering the plant, this can cause mold growth and draw in pests, even with a drip pan. It's always better to let your plant go thirsty for a small while than attempt to combat mold growth on the plant, one is easily treatable, the other almost guarantees death or complications with the plant itself.

  3. The sun directly wont come in my balcony but the light comes behind one more bulding is their so i cant get direct sun but the sun lite will come till morning 7am to 4pm so does by plant grow im germinating the seeds of whit widow will it works ??

  4. Hi, this may sound like a silly question, it is so cold in my country
    and my apartment is very cold, as it is stating temperature of 20 – 25c
    for germination. How can I germinate the seeds? Any tips please?

  5. Every seed I had matured germinate in two ways try putting them in a glass water. Tap who cares if you smoke allot your bound to find a seed if you are on medical. My knowledge started here and Google after that.

  6. First time grower. Love your videos. What do you do when you have two seedlings come up in the same solo cup? I feel like if I pull one out and try to replant it it will shock it too much. I’m not sure how the other Sillen got in there I was missing one but I thought it hit the floor. LOL. Look forward to your response.

  7. Erm, I put three seeds in three little paper pots on a seed mat and covered with soil. Seeds were about quarter inch from top of the soil. I have three leggy ladies two weeks later. Place them on the windowsill. I think it’s what I have to do later that gets a bit more involved and hands on.

  8. I have some Ak47 seeds and I did the paper towel method and the Seas have not popped open and I put one and soil and you still did not pop up but the seeds are regular AK-47 and I'm trying to grow them indoors…..I need help

  9. Hello, my friend i put 8 seeds in first in a glass of water for 24
    hours, they all sank, then into paper towel method they have been in 4
    days now, 5 have sprouted and 3 have failed to pop, should i leave the
    3 that have failed for a few more days or do i bin them, all put in
    same bag same conditions i`m at a loss what to do

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