How to Make the Strongest Edibles Possible

A reader says she never gets high from her edibles and wants to know what she is doing wrong. Chances are, nothing, and the …


  1. There are so many great videos out there! All you have to do is research! I watched several different videos on how to do each step until I perfect it. Then I move on the the next step! Now I can do it all… from start to finish! I still go back and double check videos to make sure I'm still using the best methods…I'm 62 years old. If I can learn so can you!

  2. My dad who smoked for probably fifty-three years was just diagnosed with small-cell lung cancer and can't smoke anymore so I've been making and brownies this last batch I made I put in 400 mg of are so and he said they weren't strong enough what can I do to make a strong strong small edible cuz he can't eat much with going through chemo and radiation but I need a high dose in there for him we do have a magic butter machine I've never used it but I plan on learning how thank you all for your help

  3. If you have done everything right and still do not get high from edibles then you are what’s called Edi blocked your liver does not process the delta-9 THC into 11 hydroxy THC. The only way around this problem is nano infused edibles.

  4. Use Everclear/alcohol to lightly wet the flower 20-30 mins beforehand. This will help dissolve the cannabinoids into the oil. Like how a FECO is made but only a couple tablespoons of alcohol. 👍😎

  5. I ended up making cannabutter last night and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. It's 1 cup of butter with 3 grams of decarboxylated cured resin. I'm kinda scared of it.

  6. Cheri: When I used to do a manual decarb in oven or toaster oven, I added about 2 extra grams since the flower dries and shrinks so much. So, if the recipe called for 8g, I'd decarb 10g. I think if it called for 5g, I'd decarb 6. But with the Ardent FX, do I need to add the extra? It didn't shrink very much at all. Thanks and please keep your fabulous recipes coming. Love your detail.

  7. have you ever decarbed concentrate wax or stones in an instant pot? is it different than doing flour? by the way excellent decarb with instant pot video you have.

  8. Hi Cheri, what are your thoughts on Crisco as an infusion oil? I know it can be used but how does it compare to other infusion oils? I am particularly interested in making capsules (vegetable) in which the medium will stay solid at most indoor and outdoor temps. I tested some veg capsules with coconut oil three weeks @ room temp (79-82F) and though the capsules appeared intact, oil leaked out (likely at the seam). The refrigerated coconut oil capsules are fine at 4 weeks. My thought is shortening in a capsule would be more practical in an unrefridgerated environment though am concerned the ultimate effect of the THC might be lessened using a non traditional infusing oil. Sorry for the long winded question, love your channel!

  9. Me and a fellow outdoor grower made some edibles in the 90s using a Chef Ra recipe
    (They were brownies) … It was from one of his regular articles in High Times magazine,
    "Chef Ras Kitchen"

    It was a most unusual recipe, inasmuch it called for coffee , vodka, and some other potentiators in addition to the "cannabutter" , and of course we tweaked and manipulated this to make sure it was potent as possible…

    At first we thought we did something wrong, but about 2 hrs in, i felt a strange rush, like when you hit pot laced with "wet", and to make a long story longer, i got stuck on the living room couch for a good 10 to 11 hours, couldnt even get up to change the TV channel or find the remote, finally made it to the bathroom to pee, which seemed like a trip to outter space and back.

    This near psychedelic experience was only interrupted by my fellow brownie taker, crying out for me to call the ambulance or take him to the hospital, because his heart was beating too fast and he " couldn't breathe "
    I know we both called off work next day, too
    😮 😂
    I can laugh now, but many lessons were learned that day

  10. Joey "CoCo" Diaz is the measure of 'way too much' pot edibles, meaning – whatever dose he takes, from whatever source of marijuana edibles, rest assured, most normal folks should take 1/10th or less of that dose 🤔😱🥴😵

  11. I've not cooked with cannabis before because our illustrious Governor is not real keen on welcoming cannabis into our state. But I must quit inhaling . Beathing issues…I've been smoking for 51 years but will not give up cannabis …ever…as I told my physician. That said, I've seen dozens of videos on cooking with infused ingredients. So…if I infuse sugar, oil/butter and flour and use them in the same recipe, how would that affect the potency? I really want to make the highest THC content possible then "start low, go slow" (or words to that effect).

    What say you, Chef?

  12. I don't have to decarbed my weed because I have a dry herb Vape and as I smoked it 8D carbs it I put it on 375 Fahrenheit and I save all of my ID card from smoking and I use that to make my Edibles I absolutely love it I got the pipe on Lord Vape it's about fifty bucks it's usually on sale for about 50 bucks and I absolutely love it you have to keep up on cleaning it nobody had ever shown me because I am a novice smoker until last night my best friend showed me how to clean it by cleaning it himself so I knew what to do. Anyway I found that that is very affected then you get double or even triple Duty out of your marijuana once it's decarb you can make teas you can make oils or Butters or other edibles. You want to get the most out of your marijuana it is absolutely expensive so you want to be like the Native Americans and get the most out of your weed. I found dryer vaping this particular one looks like a Sherlock's home pipe and it is amazing and I have gotten the best results out of it I do not like regular weed pipes it's just not my cup of tea I feel that you should get the best out of your weed by using a dry herb Vape as I said you save it and when you've got about 2 .83 like that you get from The Herb Shop if you got a card then dump it in your magic butter maker and make butter make other edibles your oils and things like that and you will get the best results definitely save my dihara pile of saving my dihar bat makes it potent and I get Triple use out of it.
    I dry herb Vape it that I make tea dry that are by air drying then I also can make either butter or oil strain that and then I keep the leftovers and then I make a big pot of soup with the remainder of the weed because you can just put weed in your mouth and eat it if you so chose I don't do that I use that at the very end to get the final bit out of my weed so it is very inexpensive if you use a dry herb Vape This Way you get everything you possibly can get out of your weed instead of just burning it up by using a regular pipe. I've gotten compliments on my animals like brownies and things like that people love them I share with other card holders no way I could eat a whole thing of brownies by myself and I always put in espresso it makes it have a little bit more adult taste. Also I use protein brownies because who can't use extra protein I absolutely love making my own Edibles and they're going to be much more potent if you do it yourself and you get yourself a dry herb Vape it is 100% the way2go why burn up your weed and smoke it once and be done why not reuse it several times and get the best bang for your buck

  13. i got a random hair up my ass to try and make my own chocolate bar, and i was thinking that since baking chocolate,(if you get the right kind) is just chocolate, minus most of the cocoa butter, so i wanted to make canna cocoa butter, so i could mix it with some sweetened dark baking chocolate, and make a chocolate bar with a good snap. no idea about what the ratio of cocoa butter to baking chocolate should be…

    no real question i guess, just an idea i had, and you seem cool, so im sharing it.

  14. It brings about another question when I make edibles everyone says their strong but I don't feel anything accept a thc hangover the next morning. Why is that? Once I had a 4 l gummies once that worked. 🤔

  15. I use 1/2 an ounce of 19%
    I than add 5 grams more of prerolls.
    All with THC 25% or higher to bring it up.
    Anything less and it's not gonna work.

    My current batch is not bad.
    However, we made one batch where all it took was 2 cookies.
    1 in the am (around 11am) and the other late afternoon (between 4-8pm) and they worked the entire day.
    Don't remember what I did.
    Well, I was buying them by the prerolls, all 25% and higher.
    But…It got too expensive.

    However, the ones we made that you only needed two for the entire day, is after I made the switch to buying to $60 ounce at 19%.
    No luck figuring it out.

    I go for 40 min at 240 then turn the oven off and leave the mary j in.
    It takes another 8 min to cool, so it does cook that entire time.
    Might go longer.
    Gonna check your video on it, make sure I'm doing it 100% right.

    Getting too high SUUUUCKS!
    I got SO SICK and the world was just spinning.
    I HAD to go sleep because moving anything made me nauseated.
    I learned. lol

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