1. Almost 3 years ago I took my first hit of meth. I regret it ever since. Was 2 months clean and just recently relapsed….pray anyone going through this to realize your not alone ❤

  2. *** If you wanna stop taking drugs like alcohol or cannabis or meth or any drugs addictions then seek help from Allah Swt and obey Allah and read Holy Quran book and God will make you easy way and next life you will into to Paradise for ever.

  3. Lol good old meth i I smoke it when i need to make moves like Walmart shopping or when i chill with a sucia
    But can nver get addicted to it cuz i like sleeping and eating and having nice white teeth . But when im with the bros and we go gamble at the cino best believe ima be lit pressing that button like i know i have a technique down but really dont . But after that night of degenerate Tom Fullery i pop like 2 bars or a ativan and sleep . But smoking that shit 247 for 7 days a week thats like putting darts in your eyes and thinking you are the best next thing then smartphones mental issue of wanting to be a robot every second of the day is a mental disorder and they need to see a doctor and get slapped in the face by there unkle snd get introduced to weed and shit even maybe start talking to god . The god who created us and even knowss we are fuck ups but has the uncedtechaiel love for us and has the best grace . Much love snd if you aint lost sometimes that just means you have a good gps 😂

  4. Grateful that I've only ever tried weed, which I only did once. (the smoke is too harsh for me).

    People describe these hard drugs as 100s of times better than weed, that is extremely scary. If I tried one of those, I would be addicted and I'm thankful that I've never tried that.

  5. I literally spent (wasted) my 20s chasing pain pills, then heroin and fentanyl. I would beg, borrow, and steal, my whole existence revolved around getting that next hit.. Been clean now since July 2017 when I walked into that methadone clinic.. I don't even recognize who I was back then, I never thought I'd have a happy life as I do now. Methadone literally saved my life id have been dead by now without it.

  6. I managed meth use when i only smoked it. It wasn't until I shot it up that the addiction literally took over my life. Lost a great six-figure income, beautiful home, vehicles , relationships , you name it. The needle changed everything. Presently
    5 years clean and going strong.

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