Interesting Benefits Of Castor Oil – Dr. Berg

Castor oil has been used for many different home remedies for generations. Find out about the many uses of castor oil.


  1. I used it when I was 9 months pregnant and no labor signs so after I took a tablespoon within the hour I was in Labor w first baby. I use it daily for all over moisturizing and heat packs, and it makes my eyelashes almost too long !!
    I Love Caster Oil ❤

  2. Ive read it can be taken in a small qty as an warm enmema disolved with specail stuff to emulsify it. Perhaps blended with a lecithin.

    Chilone and tudca are also popular with meals when doing coffee enemas and castor oil liver packs.

  3. I want to put castor oil on my eyelids, but am reading how it will clog the pores. If I use it, how do I clean it off of my face the next morning, to prevent the pore clogging ?

  4. optometrist told me I was getting cataracts. I suspected as much because when I looking left to right I had Misty patches. I read somewhere castor oil can help so I put a tiny bit on my eye in the morning and the next day I noticed there were 95% gone and the floaters were gone as well. I have always had floaters

  5. they use the pulp, after pressing out the oil, to make ricin, a toxin that they sprayed in Japanese subways years ago by a terrorist. The oil is awesome, the pulp can be deadly. Unless you squeeze your own beans, you'll never touch the pulp, so no worries.

  6. Is it okay to drink a teaspoon of castor oil everyday? Does it hurt your kidneys or liver or any other body organ? Sure would appreciate an answer. I've had constipation for 49 years and want to stop using Miralax.

  7. Dr. Eric Berg apart from the very useful information and wisdom you shares with us…I must say here that your Vocals are so much soothing and very sweet….you speaks so politely with a blessed sweet and very soft vocal quality which God has blessed you. May God bless you a very long, healthy but peaceful life Amin 😇😇

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