1. 20 years opiate abuser. Led me to heroin etc. im a former cop as well. broke my neck in a wreck. recently moved to utah a year ago. I'm a year clean off opiates for the first time in 23 years. I got my medical card out here. i use it for pain control now. oxycontin started it all. what man makes they sell. What God made they make illegal!!! SMDH

  2. I want full legalization for recreational use, but I don't think that will happen for another 20 years if I'm being honest, so I came up with a compromise, "The Sativa South" where southern states would legalize sativa for recreational adult use and indica for medical adult use. These guys think all cannibis is the same, making u lazy sleepy and hungry when that's not the case, sativa makes u alert creative energized, and it increases focus, where as indica brings on the relaxation hunger and pain relief so I say I say make that the medical one and sativa the recreational one like a cup of coffee and a wake-n-bake, cuz u wake-n-bake sativa and end your day in a blaze of glory with indica

  3. Who gives a crap about medical we need to get these dumb reefer madness mindsets educated and bring full recreational it's pathetic we gotta sit around and pretend we gotta "wait" 200 years for the law to wait and figure out what to do with a plant. Ill just grow it myself screw waiting for someone else to make the change. Be the change in the world you wanna see. Legalize cannabis full recreational in all 50 states.

  4. The use of cannabis has only been documented since 2800 BC….they need more time to study it…lol. Meanwhile they can develop and put out a vaccine within a year, or approve over priced drugs from pharmaceutical companies in record time.

  5. Legalize cannabis federally within each and every state. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Legal in all states.

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