1. People keep liquor and guns in their homes but we need to draw the line at a Marijuana plant? Laughable! To protect the children? Yea everyone knows kids are better off being around guns and alcohol than a weed plant.

  2. The FEDERAL Gov't needs to (at the very least) Decriminalize Marijuana and maybe even a few other if not ALL other drugs.
    Not only does it end the "war on drugs" but it gives the Government more options for controlling regulations as well as a HUGE Source of Tax Dollars that can be used towards Mental Health and Addiction Treatments and Services rather imprisoning people which only costs every taxpayer enormously without providing anything positive to the community.

  3. 10月23日,大陆民众飞翔在退党网站发表声明说:“我恨透了共匪,文革时期无知加入红小兵、红卫兵,长大又加入共青团及共产党,那是受谎言蒙蔽没认识到它的本质,现要与它决裂,不受它的摆布,展翅高飞。”














    恶搞波尔布特 旨在对抗中共















  4. It's been a nightmare in Colorado since the start of the zombie pot apocalypse in January of 2014. Smart people fled the state early during the start of the pot apocalypse and the naive stayed to suffer the burden and horrors of pot legalization. Hundred of thousands died due to the gentrification, crime and vandlism it induced.

    Pot should be federally legalized to stop the internal migration of pot heads to legal pot states. Most people can't understand that the problems of legal pot has nothing to do with pot. The problem is the mass migration to legal pot states and the crime and gentrification it attracts. Anticipate millions of pot heads moving to Ohio and living next to you. Most of them will compete for jobs, welfare and will trigger a cost of living increase. If you are not a hedge fund investor you will eventually suffer from crime, vandalism and cost of living. Cartels, Asian growers and hipsters will move next you. You will never enjoy a peaceful life any more.

    Please understand how legalizing pot will change your daily life. Even if you don't do pot it doesn't matter. Legal pot attracts pot tourists and will trigger an increase in transplants. These pot transplants will destroy your life for good. It's like the zombie apocalypse but worse. The cost of everything will double and you will compete for jobs with millions of young white pot head transplants. Pot tax won't help you at all since pot transplants are mostly criminals who will destroy your property and your employment. They will suck the life out of you.

    If you can leave Ohio now it's better than living through this pot nightmare! Colorado faced this nightmare since January of 2014 and there is no any indication of an end to this endless flood of pot transplants. Multiple decade old business closed due to the increase in property tax induced by pot transplants and their vandalism. You can't escape the pot transplants flood at all. They are young, white and some of them are filthy rich somehow. They will destroy everything you own. They will curse your life. You will lose everything to fund their pot habit indirectly. You can't avoid them at all. I warn you all leave while you can. It's insane how pot can destroy a whole state. The first victims of the pot apocolopyse will be miniorites and poor people. They are probably naive and can't understand the hell they will go through!

  5. Saw this happen in Oregon. Didn't really care about the issue as it's not my thing. However, saw the immediate results walking through a park just after it had passed. Someone walking with another who was clearly on something a lot stronger than MJ and the police could not do anything about it. Things went downhill from there.

  6. I have chronic pain issues, all I can say is at 49 I tried it for the first time, 5 months later after very mild use I was able to reduce 11 medications in pills I had to take daily.

  7. Imagine if American women were legally allowed to forego motherhood through abortion and adoption, without being legally responsible; yet American men are unable to legally forgo fatherhood without permission from women and are forced to be legally responsible. Double standards and female privilege are fun kids. Hands off their bodies, Hands off our wallets

  8. Reefer madness is only pushed and believed by mental midgets, a very small lunatic fringe minority of The American People. The American public is no longer gullible enough to believe that criminalizing adults for using relatively benign cannabis and throwing adults in jail over cannabis use/possession is somehow magically "Protecting The Children". Good parenting is the key, whether it's about alcohol or cannabis. Parents alone are responsible for "Protecting The Children". Legal and regulated stores only sell cannabis and only sell that cannabis to adults. Stores also card kids for I.D. Street dealers on the other hand, don't card "The Children" and push all sorts of real, dangerous and deadly drugs on "The Children" as well. Protect "The Children" and our neighborhoods through the complete federal legalization and regulation of cannabis across the entire nation in all states. Remove cannabis entirely from the Controlled Substances List NOW!!! Or else, put alcohol on the CSA as a schedule one drug because it has absolutely zero medical value and is extremely toxic, deadly, and harmful to the human body with a HUGE potential for abuse. Fair is fair and enough is enough already!!!

  9. I live in Mo where it is legal recreational it's a huge profit for Missouri I smoke ….key factor Ohio people are fucked up enough Ohio does not need it!!!!

  10. I was born in Columbus '68, I'm Republican in CA so I'm smoking a bowl for you Ohio. Dear politicians make sure you control RIGIDLY how much is allowed to be grown, TOTAL. Use Oregon as a learning tool. You can't pack up and transport your excess marijuana to a neighboring state, the Fed's will eat you alive. We have amazing legal shops and we have a stunning amount of illegal weed shops. I have one across the street. It's simple to get 8 grams for $35 for good weed. It works better for my neuropathy pain than my Gabapentin.

  11. Legalize cannabis federally within each and every state. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Legal in all states.

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