1. You had me at scones and puppies!
    Well I greatly appreciate all of the massive effort that went it to the production. The Red Dog movie is one of my all time favorites!
    On screen it all looks so easy and natural, so you definitely pulled it off in style.

  2. GREAT movie !!! rekindled my love for JOJO who I lost in the same way from an enlarged heart In a weird way I become JOJOs pet when he was tossed aside in a moment of his greatest need and by fate I was there to catch him and have him steal my heart and that of the staff at the vet's in Pinehurst, Idaho for 4 years. JOJO is waiting in heaven for me so that we can be together forever. LOVE to all my past 4 legged children Miss ya all and we shall be together again GOD Bless

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