Medical marijuana could be coming to Wisconsin. A Madison dad thinks its a great idea.

As Republicans unveil their plan to legalize medical marijuana, some who would benefit from the use of the marijuana to treat …


  1. . respective citizens of the Republic's of the United States of North America have the power! The people of every city has the power to change laws. We have the say as to what our counties, courthouses, cities and states deem common laws. The federal government need the state government in order to exist. We Are The People. We need more than half of the States to legalize in order for the feds to reconsider the marijuana laws at a federal level. If We can't pick our best Senators or Representatives, WE still have the power to change Our laws.

  2. This is what we call a slippery slope. As an unfortunate resident of Chicago, they started first with weed for medicinal purposes. Now I can walk 3min down the block and get whatever tf I want. Now they have "medicinal" shops for ketamine. Now they wanna pass ecstacy. Soon enough we'll be like Seattle and Philly. Junkies and poop everywhere.

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