Negotiations over changes to recreational marijuana law continue in Ohio Legislature

Ohio voters approved Issue 2 legalizing recreational marijuana in November, and the new law took effect Dec. 7.


  1. I didnt want abortion to be legal whenever a woman feels like it 🤷‍♂️
    Buttt its america and i got out voted sooooo moving on🤷‍♂️
    Why do they get to wiggle and squirm about this its legal get the fuck over it

  2. The reason this is happening you have a majority of Republicans in Ohio they're hypocritical Liars and they say they're Christians but that's just like most Christians you meet anymore hypocritical Liars in Mike the wine is one of the wimpiest men you will ever see in politics the guy don't even look like he could do a twist off of a bottle of water and that's the leader of these pussies

  3. Sorry ass politicians need to give the people what they want and voted for!!!! No more weed proceeds should go to law enforcement, they have had their hands in it long enough!!!!!

  4. Why should cannabis fund the police department or jails when they been capitalizing on locking people up and ruining their lives for 80 plus years over cannabis use haven’t they got enough money over them years of locking colored people and people of the lower class which are mostly hard working tax paying Ohioans up for cannabis related so called crimes which in turn ruins their lives to ever get a career and a good job and help them get out of poverty …smh these people are sooo greedy they think Ohioans are stupid tryin to pass these stupid bills out of public eyes so they get no resistance and change bills to line their greedy little pockets with cash from tax paying citizens… how un American period!!!!! Vote these bums out

  5. Longtime republican and I must say that I will not be voting for any of these tyrants who are trying to change the law or trying to overturn it. MOST of us voted for it. What a way to destroy our party.

  6. Use the money for the right purposes, just like voters chose. Put it to use in the public school system and help secure a better future.. Dismissing public schools from the budgeting plan is disgustingly shameful, and is leaving a bad taste in the voters mouths across all party lines. Uphold the will of the people, or face swift judgement at the polls come election day.

  7. 'The Law voters passed'. What part of that do these people not understand!!!
    It becomes more obvious by the day that We the People have no say and no voice in anything! I wonder who is greasing this wheel…
    We need to take our country back from these bastards!

  8. Increase tax to 15%. Cut the # of growable plants in half. Limited amount of licenses. I just heard they're trying to limit concentrates to 50%?! Are you kidding me? Basically; "We can't control you doing it, so we're going to control how you do it, where you get it, and make sure you pay the same prices as you were on the street." – The ~60% of people who voted this in should be PISSED. None of this equates to representation of the people!

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