Ohio cities ban recreational marijuana sales hours before it's legalized

The Hamilton City Council unanimously passed ordinances temporarily banning dispensaries in town, pledging to revisit the ban …


  1. "What impact will it have on our teenagers" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Actually it will be harder and more expensive for them to get. I lived in Colorado for 7 years from 2016 to March 2023. Once the shops start selling finding it on the street is much more difficult. Right now.any kid can go out and find it so easily.

  2. Butler county politicians hate marijuana. Child support prosecuted for a felony because 08 depression destroyed my career. Then I finally get back on my feet and I'm about four years of NO missed payments and they still prosecuted me. Anyways I digress. I had to take the probation department to court to fight for my right to use medical marijuana (even though opioids are completely fine) and my lawyer beat the hell out of them using the law against them,but they was hell bent on not letting me. We won!

  3. the changes to licenses is a way the state control who getting licenses which in years past was voted down on who was getting licenses voted down twice and come on plants grown from 12 to 6 hurts people like me who have to use it for pain becasue the goverment put restrictions on who can get pain meds (NOT ME) DEWINE seen a way in to change it and to TAKE AWAY from the people and sucker punch us with ALSO rasing the TAX from 10% to 15%

  4. Republikans can’t stand the facts that we voted to legalize marijuana and abortion in our state and they have done and will do anything they can to stop it. They’re not interested in democracy just dictatorship.

  5. This is nothing new. I lived in Colorado when they made it legal. I was in Oregon when they made it legal and I was in Montana when they made it legal. In each case there were several cities that wanted nothing to do with it until about a year after and they saw how much money they were missing out on. Then they were scrambling to get included. The same will happen here.

  6. Ha Minnesota cities threatened this too. Suburban people were afraid their little developments park would be overrun by crazy drug users sitting next to their children and blowing smoke in their faces and yelling at them. Seriously last place anyone wants to get high, except perhaps their family members and only because they have to live there.

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