Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine discusses recreational marijuana starting Thursday statewide

The Ohio Senate is working on revisions to the state’s legalization of recreational marijuana as the clock continues to tick toward …


  1. Its not complicated ots these morons like Dewine trying toake it complicated license the people so they can sell it what a joke these idiots are its ok to for him to fast pass dumb bills that start right away to fill hia pockets .Vote his dumbass out he works for thw people but acts like he controls us the people should be pissed.

  2. I voted no because of where some of the tax money was going.Its just sad what our political folks do.They just do whatever they want and the hell with the the voters.How uneducated can you be.I just shake my head in disbelief

  3. The sheet of paper he's holding up is actually a legit place selling weed products and it's in Dayton and they deliver UPS and they got that fire it's easy to find on Google 😀

  4. It's very convenient that you can produce your own wine or beer at home and that's not regulated you can even give it away with no restrictions.I have a question which is why is there no regulation on the amount of alcohol you can purchase or have in your possession. Maybe if we regulated the amount of alcohol that was purchasable to a certain amount we would see a lot less fatalities and drunk drivers and deaths on the road every year. There is no reason why any one person needs to be able to buy five cases of beer. Also you never clarify how much one joint is. is that 1 gram or 1 oz? you do not make this conversion rate of plant to joints clear at all. But God forbid you allow citizens to grow a sustainable amount which would be a detriment to your investors in the medical marijuana industry and their profits.

  5. They are always looking for ways to control. What he should be doing here is apologizing for the many decades that the state used something that should have never been illegal as justification to deprive people of their liberty and assets, causing immense suffering and breaking up families, and creating (by prohibition) the related gang driven crime. The people wanted this legalized so that the state stops harming people for buying, selling, or using it; not so you can concoct new ways to police it. Allowed plants down from 12 to 6? There should be no limit. It is legal now, and never should have been illegal. Now that it is legalized, they have to find new ways to justify and fund their policing through regulations, because the legal system operates as an industry dependent on "crime" for the operators livelihoods.

    It is absolutely horrendous to be using tax money gained from something which should never have been illegal, and has been used as justification to cause havoc and destroy so many lives under guise of law for so many years , to then fund jail construction (unless it is to improve living conditions of existing jails, NOT to create new jails) police training ( unless that training is only for strict adherence to constitution and civil rights ) and drug task forces. The funds should be used to defend against violations of liberty by law; such as police brutality, unjustly disproportionate sentencing, wrongful convictions, etc.

    The legal system operates as an industry whos operators depend on the "existence" of crime for their livelihoods. This is likely the real reason why it is so important for them to quickly pass regulation of something that they can no longer use to fuel their livelihoods. Where there is no "crime" or it does not exist in high enough numbers, new "crime" (such as new "regulations") will be imposed, not based upon actual trespass, but instead on broad reaching, easily crossed technicality, with schemes of revenue generating fines, and harsh sentencing imposed. This ensures resource ( unfortunate people and their assets ) into the very industry providing the operators with their livelihoods, allows for essentially manipulated crime statistics (by technicality NOT trespass) which serve to justify the many unwarranted positions funded by the tax payer, and serves to create a public fearful of crime and danger, captivated by sensationalized broad reaching buzzwords, eager and ready to accept any and all new law proposed in the name of "safety and security" or "families and children" when the real goal is unwarranted control.

    Just because something is law does not mean that it is good, fair, just, or logical.

  6. That lady just told us to “do the math”. No, you do the math! 57% of the people voted “yes” on issue 2, knowing full well what they were voting for. This is the party of “freedom” and “low taxes” BTW

  7. Ohioans should continue coming to Michigan for their cannabis needs. In Michigan, we have years of experience with cannabis sales and cultivation. Ohio cannabis users simply lack the knowledge and experience necessary to handle legal cannabis. We've always been here to help. For availability, quality assurance Michigan is here for you. Listen to your Governor.

  8. the changes to licenses is a way the state control who getting licenses which in years past was voted down on who was getting licenses voted down twice and come on plants grown from 12 to 6 hurts people like me who have to use it for pain becasue the goverment put restrictions on who can get pain meds (NOT ME) DEWINE seen a way in to change it and to TAKE AWAY from the people and sucker punch us with ALSO rasing the TAX from 10% to 15%

  9. "unless it's changed at some point" spoiler alert, it's changed. Our Government is not acting in accordance to the voters will and haven't for a while. Our system is broken, it needs purged and rebuilt, democracy is a lie and is not designed to create a society in which the population as been led to believe it creates. Your "freedom" is a lie, you're nothing but livestock for the trash in charge of the world. Wake up, fight back, take a stand, as a united front of the people they couldn't get away with the shit they have been.

  10. The Ohio Republicans have crossed the line for the last time with these amendments to a referendum vote passed into Ohio constitution is illegal and we must vote Dewine Vance and all the Republicans who want stop the will of the people. Vote for new Ohio Governor! Betrayal

  11. I hope they also know people smoke so they’re not dangerous and be calm under stress? Everybody has different dna and opinions ffs. I hate being an Ohioan. Can’t wait to vote for the first time in 2026.

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