1. Alcohol is worse than cannabis you can't function drunk but you could do whatever when you on cannabis you still know what's going on is Jesse natural plant if the government sell it to us we know is no chemical in it so we prefer you legalize cannabis just don't sell it to teenagers teenagers still buy alcohol they get other people to do their dirty work

  2. Nancy Hans has a terrible understanding of the entire situation. The legal sale of alcohol has been happening for decades and decades and yet, people who are not of legal drinking/purchasing age of alcohol are still acquiring it and drinking under age. Alcohol is far more dangerous for under age consumption. Even for legal consumption it is extremely dangerous. Annual alcohol related deaths are astronomical. Show me proof of a case where marijuana consumption killed anyone. Guarantee you can't find one. Although it is not ideal or healthy for under age use, marijuana needs to be legalized for recreational use and maintained just like alcohol sales. You cannot 100% prevent under age use of alcohol or marijuana. It's just simply going to happen, unfortunately. Stop stalling for bs excuses.

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