1. So appreciate you sharing your story Mackenzie! Literally went through the exact. same. thing. I'm talking, ended my 6 year relationship Dec 2021, been single now for 2 years. He was an unfaithful narcissist. Your story is a reflection of my life. But I'm so glad to hear you're on the other side of it all, and are loving life! You've done the work! Happy for you. 🙂

  2. When your two best friends meet and then become best friends and then you don’t get invited to lunch… this is how this feels. I am happy for you both though. Also please, more! Please 🙏

  3. 🌀Thank you Laura! My ADHD brain sees you looking so happy spinning around in your chair!
    I, too need an ADORABLE CHAIR THAT SPINS AROUND! Thank you for this vid! I will always think of this moment while I’m in my chair! Love you always enjoy your humor.

  4. I keep wanting to watch these… Somehow either I don't know how podcasts are supposed to go, or I just can't stand the style. so many short random sentences that aren't even saying anything. Just all filler banter, I can't even get to whatever the actual content is supposed to be . It doesn't seem to matter what guest is even on. is this what it's like having a conversation with her in daily life? I guess I can't keep up.

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