Stoned Kids | WEEDIQUETTE (Full Episode)

The next big thing in medical marijuana might be cancer therapy. But with little hard evidence, families whose children have …


  1. This documentary is kind. Parents I imagine will do anything to help their kid. Weed can be addictive- that’s no doubt. But there is an alternative view.

    How the UK remains the biggest producer of weed but it’s illegal, really makes me question our government.

  2. Your not supposed to aggressively shake the jar…. “Agitate” is the correct word but your supposed to just spin the liquid…. Or else you pull to much out of the plant material….

  3. I’m so sorry but if ANYONE is against seeing children have HAPPY childhoods after suffering for so long I can’t trust you. I was a sick kid. I use cannabis now to manage all of my symptoms and I’m able to be normal and happy. It’s aided my recovery from both the trauma and the pain.

  4. According to some other curious folk who saw the shorten version on Snapchat, after some snooping it appears she is alive and well and has been selling glass along with starting her own farm. I hope this may relieve those who are curious

  5. Rick Simpson Oil , what dose of oil to give a five-year-old child with a brain tumor? or according to the same scheme from rick simpson as for adults? save!!! 😢❗️❗️❗️❗️

  6. It's been years since I haven't watched this series I'm 26 now i used to watch the stuff back in high school & it still amazes me , how a child so young can go through so much , but to find out that cannabis works miracles to this day im glad i was able to witness the history taking place , 100 years from now theyll still be talking about how pot became legal and the people it helped along the way including myself

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