The FDA held its first hearing on CBD—here's what four industry experts had to say

The Food and Drug Administration held its first hearing on the safety and regulation of CBD, or cannabidiol. Researchers, doctors …


  1. Here are the FDA in the media mafia in the United States, are lying to you again.
    There is massive research on cannabis and in fact, in 1988 the US government gave cannabis a lethal dose at 50% of 20,000 0.9 g joints. That means in a half an hour or you would have to smoke or consume 40,000 g of cannabis to overdose in a half an hour. And this is speculation on the FDA, because the government could never overdose a dog or a horse. And it is also believed that the rats that died did not die of cannabis, but asphyxiation of the smoke in their lungs.
    In 1973 Harvard University found that cannabis treated and put cancer into remission including leukemia. But yet the medical and scientific community still says there is no cure for cancer.
    The glaucoma studies in the 70s and 80s with Dr. Robert Randall showed that not only did cannabis treat glaucoma, but it treated all the diseases the people we’re fighting.
    Then from 1979 to I believe it was 1992.
    The cannabis cancer study happened with Dr. Lynnice D Wedewer being 17 at the time of the study. Since she was allergic to chemotherapy, her mother put her into the cancer study with cannabis. She told me that the first study the Marinol killed every child within a year, but not the cannabis patients. The second round killed the horse in the animal studies and then the third time although cannabis treated the children put them into remission, Marinol was legalized in cannabis was not. Dr. Lynnice D Wedewer also said that the participant signed a document with the government, stating if cannabis treated cancer, they would legalize cannabis for all.
    There have been twin studies on IQ proving that it is not cannabis that alters the IQ, but possibly DNA and or environmental or what is being ingested or inhaled into our bodies.
    John Hopkins participated in the COVID 19 Bioweapon and also in the 2001 psyops to fear parents and individuals to vaccinate with their viral defective vaccine they created in 1992. We have mass treason involving the FDA, CDC, Politicians who were paid to play the genocide game, military who worked with with politicians on which bioweapon will be injected next, the tax payers paid over 4 Billion in vaccine claims from Pfizer alone and getting off by their shell companies blamed for the injuries. They are nothing but extension of operation Paperclip.

  2. What a joke the FDA! They'll ok all these toxic pharmaceuticals and food products but make sure they get all their information from the nay sayers and use it as scientific prove! Well sorry too late we know it works and is safe!!

  3. The issue is clear and direct with CBD. The FDA has classified it as a drug as it is being prescribed in certain medications. Now that it is classified as a drug meaning that it can cure certain ailments that it has been tested for, it cannot be a supplement and it is controlled substance. Drugs cannot be used in food. This is another take over of a perfectly good natural remedy that is abundant and available for everyone to get the benefits from for cheap. Now it will be expensive as the government implements all the controls and the price goes up accordingly. So sad our government has to put its fingers in all the opportunities that we as Americans work hard to create for ourselves and with the stoke of a pen they steal everything we create constantly!!! Big Pharma will be taking this industry over soon and with that they will add their poison!!!!

  4. They need to revise the Tobacco alcohol sugar corn syrup products they throw at us, along with the side effects of pharmaceuticals they read aloud on television of which CBD have none.

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