The latest info as recreational marijuana becomes legal in Ohio

It’s now legal to use and possess recreational marijuana in Ohio. However, there is still no legal place to purchase it. Madison …


  1. 15% tax holy shit thats so high omg dont vote that in 😮😮😮😢😢😢😢 boooo… and limited percentage wow trash take it from a misssouri resident your making a huge mistake to allow all those rules

  2. Leave the law the way the voters approved or make it better. Unlimited plants and if you want to have a pound around in your house for personal use, then so be it. Why do the law makers have to be so anal about letting people have freedoms?

  3. Why do people insisting on doing the NEWS but they can't bother themselves with actually doing a little bit of research a quick Google search tells you that cannabis seeds do not contain thc and are considered hemp and there was a bill passed that allowed the sale of souvenir seeds, and seeds for cultivation were legal

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