Wage Theft Is A Much Bigger Problem Than Retail Theft – SOME MORE NEWS

Hi. In today’s episode, we look at the offensive amount of money that employers steal from their workers, and how it’s a much …


  1. Every time I hear something like this, it makes me realize what a fool I was believing in Milton Freidman and his neoliberalism. Now, the republicans want to drain the deep state. I wonder if they checked in with the MAGA lost American dream people about this, or whether they even know what it means. <sigh>

  2. okay, so here's an idea. We'll invoke school yard rules because, apparently, the people running this country have the minds of CHILDREN.

    You get caught violating the law? You don't get to keep what profits you made from violating it. The concept of a thief being punished by the law, but getting to keep what he stole is laughable, yet that seems to be what is happening here….over and over and over again.

  3. I had to deal with wage theft from my first job at Circle K. This was years ago now, but I worked the graveyard shift, so my shift technically overlapped with the next week. Whenever I seemed to be getting close to overtime I was instructed to “clock out” right before I hit my 40th hour and clock back in, essentially getting the rest of my pay for that shift on next weeks pay. I honestly had a thought that it would get to a point where I would have an entire extra shift worth of hours backlogged but they knew how to stop that by giving me one less day occasionally so it wouldn’t pile up. I could have been getting overtime but the manager would get into trouble with the regional manager so I never said anything… I now see what that was, why should I break myself for someone who can easily replace me in two weeks…

  4. Excellent piece on the American Wage Theft Crisis. As a class action wage theft lawyer, I spend a lot of time trying to educate people on this issue and employer's dirty tricks when it comes to wage theft. This forum can really spread the word about this consistent problem.

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