Warning issued for Sydney CBD as cases of Legionnaires’ disease reported

Sydney University’s Infectious Diseases Paediatrician Robert Booy explains how people contract Legionnaires’ disease after it …


  1. Sorry but if you were to see what's going on in China, USA, India and other parts of the world you will see that it's been in China for almost 3 months and been spreading to other Countries, look up Batwoman from Wuhan.Dont trust the Chinese government.

  2. Here we go again wait for the next sociologically engineered virus and lockdowns……………..by the way where are the public law and order riot squads dressed in kevlar armor, the mounted police and the coppers with batons and pepper spray that they used on innocent civilians during the anti lock down demos, where are they now against the useless idiots holding their illigal Saturday race and anti sematic spewing demos?????????????????????

  3. What are all these "warnings" about and what must we do about this? Warning of Legionnaires, power grid may fail, you may be flooded, prices may go up, fuel may go up in price etc etc. This is not of any assistance at all.

  4. And like he said …We have air conditioners to thank for that…where I work the air con is checked regularly…I also clean my filters in my home air con every month and I get it maintained at the beginning and end of summer…prevention is the key.

  5. Pretty sure you interviewed this clown doctor during Covid saying how wonderful the clot shots were, wonder how many with that disease have been jabbed, probably 90%!

  6. Government can’t afford it since the rise of more + more unelected foreign entities , eg VIC a 60% rise in 15 yrs, congratulations VIC , always got 2 come out on top !!! The Australian hospitals are just gunna have 2 deal with it and suck it up, OK !! 🤣🤣🤣

  7. Just see logo about real news, honest, lol guess depends subject and if it fits with our wonderful new society criteria, like hating Trump and except Biden,and the vaccine was a great thing, cough cough heart missed a beat

  8. Going to Heaven is easy!

    First, you must realize that the punishment for committing even one sin, unless you are forgiven, is eternity in hell. To be saved from hell and forgiven of all sin, believe that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for your sins, was buried, and rose again (1 Cor 15:1-4). When you believe that Christ’s atoning work paid for all your sins and when you make Jesus your only hope of going to Heaven, you are forgiven of all sin by God and forever saved from hell. Warning: None of our good deeds can get us into Heaven. If we trust in our own works to get us to Heaven instead of Christ’s atonement, we will not be allowed in. The Bible says “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost” (Titus 3:5). In conclusion, just believe that all your sins are paid for by Jesus’ atoning work and make Christ your only hope of going to Heaven.

    “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23

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