1. In the 80's I said they should legalize it and use the money to battle more dangerous drugs. They are so slow and even now don't seem to see that as how to use the funds. Back then it probably would have collapsed the cartels, now not so much…

  2. "“In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man."

    – Francis Young (DEA Administrative Law Judge – 1988])

    "Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself; and where they are, they should be changed. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against possession of marijuana in private for personal use…”

    – Jimmy Carter (U.S.President)

    “Congress should definitely consider decriminalizing possession of marijuana… We should concentrate on prosecuting the rapists and burglars who are a menace to society.”

    – Dan Quayle (U.S. Representative & Vice President)

    "Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could."

    “The anti-marijuana campaign is a cancerous tissue of lies, undermining law enforcement, aggravating the drug problem, depriving the sick of needed help and suckering well intentioned conservatives and countless frightened parents.”

    – William F. Buckley Jr. (American conservative author & commentator)

    "The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world."

    – Dr. Carl Sagan (American Cosmologist, Astrobilologist, author & science communicator)

    “You bet I did -— and I enjoyed it.” ….when asked if he had ever smoked marijuana.

    – Michael Bloomberg (New York City Mayor)

    "Studies have consistently failed to establish the existence of a link between the harshness of a country’s drug laws and its levels of drug use."

    – Kofi Annan (U.N. Secretary General)

    "Pot is a better drug than alcohol. I'll prove it to you. You're at a ball game or a concert, and someone's really violent and aggressive and obnoxious, are they drunk or are they smoking pot?"

    “Why is pot against the law? It wouldn't be because anyone can grow it, and therefore you can't make a profit off it, would it?”

    “…It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit … unnatural?”

    -Bill Hicks (Satirist, Social Critic, Stand-Up Comedian)

    "If the words "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on."

    – Terence McKenna (American ethnobotanist, author, advocate for responsible use of natural psychedelic plants)

  3. BS. DeWine went against what the people clearly voted for. THC limits, higher taxes and the money goes to law enforcement to pull you over instead of social equity. He is changing what we voted for and blaming on "the ppl not understanding what they were voting for." WTF

  4. Growing up in my native country it wasn't uncommon to see a small bushel sprout up next to the bus stop or foot path on my way to school, nobody cared really, maybe because there were no enforceable laws on it. Humans are funny creatures, we let our politicians put restrictions on things that occur naturally.

    Oh how did humanity ever survive & advance through the stone age, bronze, iron age through to the computer age without getting distracted by all this natural grass growing around him? Any man from 500 yrs ago would be confounded by the stupid rules modern man has set for himself.

  5. With no license, 6 plants per resident. up to 12 plants per address.
    Licenses are $2,000 per year. Big boy licenses are 200,000 per year.
    Plus they are taxing on top of those licenses(taxes).

  6. The thing is, that some politicians aren't going to implement the laws voted on by the voters in a legit election. They risk TICKING OFF one of the most frustrated, vocal, and defiant groups AND their collective persecution and victim complex energy: Pot users. Are these Republicans all REALLY up to losing their seats, upto and including to DEMOCRATS? Are Vance and Brown really out of touch? The politician class can steal documents and stop elections and get gold from Egypt and spend LESS TIME IN JAIL than someone caught with pot. LET ALL OF THIS, SINK IN.

  7. The cost and low quality of medical in Ohio was a despicable crime in itself. $350 an ounce for shit that goes for maybe 125 on the street! People were fed up and the farms growing it were constantly ridiculed by their own employees.
    I read numerous testimony about how ignorant the owners were at growing cannabis and people with experience trying to instill better methods and knowledge were stonewalled by the bosses.
    Good riddance!

  8. Here's what happens next the coward Republicans in charge of Ohio will throw it out just like they did when they passed all those taxes and we voted no and they told us nope that wasn't good enough we know what's best for you that's why we have the pop tax candy tax and other taxes because of Republicans told us when we voted them not to have them they told him we deserve them and they rode over what we voted no on and they'll do the same thing with the marijuana Larry said they were going to do that before it even passed Ohio is not We the People Ohio's we the Republicans choose Wii dictate to you we are your dictators

  9. Why would this even pose a question. This isn’t the first state to legalize it so why even bring it up. Whatever is legal in the country always have some guidelines of control which to me doesn’t make it legal.

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