1. Monsanto food is doing a lot of damage to the American people living on this land GMO food is the result of cancer causing problems in society smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol is a health hazard to the community and from which I know that people's behavior and and jealousy because they are lost in the world that deceived them from reality

  2. I have smoked marijuana for 41 years. I never thought about stopping, because I never feel bad about using it. I am also a conventional smoker, and have been for 42 years. I've never felt anything that I could blame on marijuana or cigarettes, I don't have any health problems, and I don't think about stopping. But I'm not addicted to any of that, just a little. 🙂

  3. there's no dopamine..thatd mean its physically addictive. This is a lie. It went from being the only thing that didnt produce DOPE in the brain to all of a sudden being dopaminergic. Jeez, there's nothing sacred anymore without being tainted with lies.

  4. When you smoke weed, it's difficult to know when to start and stop something. Take this video for example. The first 33 minutes are about the title, "What Happens to your Body when you Stop Smoking Weed." Unfortunately, the creator of this video forgot this and the remaining three hours of the video has nothing to do with the title.

  5. I’m fairly young, 20 years old, and I smoke weed for fun. I did it occasionally at 15 usually in social settings and didn’t start smoking it almost everyday until about almost a year ago. It’s a relaxing sort of thing for me but then I also used it to study sometimes. It can either give me the jump start I need to keep studying, or it can do the opposite. Just depends on the day. I haven’t smoked in a bout a week and I feel no negative effects. I think weed is okay in moderation. It’s the when you smoke it multiple times a day everyday that I think you become dependent on it and have negative effects when you stop. Like most other drugs and alcohol, you can stay in control so long as you dont let yourself become addicted to it. I found myself wanting to be high more often, middle of the day for no reason. I came down with a cold though and couldn’t smoke while sick and it’s made me appreciate being clean. I still have moments where I want to get high but I realize I can relax without it too.

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