1. Gym junkie gave me an allergic reaction after telling them I have nut allergy back in 2018. They still oiled almond oil over the top. Be careful to mention that if you visit, because it ruined my experience of a pool party (sisu).
    Good words Rob, I’m 33 and leaner, lighter and healthier than ever – been training since 16. Consistency with the lifestyle is a must.

  2. Hi Rob, do you know anything about the effect or creatine on creatinine levels, I’ve been doing 5g a day for the past 3 months or so, I get quarterly blood work and my creatinine level has jumped massively it’s now out of range, I’ve done some research and it appears this is generally ok but there’s not much info on it, all my other markers are ok, my blood work provider has advised me to stop taking it. Any ideas?

  3. How you feeling off the yohimbine buddy? What dosage are you on? I'm currently running it at 20mg a day, fasted in the mornings before a workout (I weigh 95.2kg). Some days I feel no sides, other days I get all the sides haha. Had to swerve the post workout cardio this morning because it felt like my heart was pounding out my chest, so if you have any tips I'm all ears

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