What Is Psoriasis? #shorts

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  1. It's an auto-immune disease
    Find a good Naturopath & they will help you cure it
    But you will have to eat a very healthy diet
    No sugars, no dairy etc
    Be patient it will take some time for your body to completely detox

  2. This video brought me to tears cause I suffer from psoriasis too. Few of my family members have psoriasis but it’s like really small spots on the elbows or maybe on their knees and that’s it. But in my case, it can be noticed on my face, my arms, my back and my legs. It is really hard and tough to live with psoriasis and thinking it would last forever. My usual treatment consists of creams and ointments, but I’d stick to one brand or one pre-scripted formula by the doctor. It gets very uncomfortable being around people cause they tend to ask me what kind of disease do I have? Or even they ask me if it’s contagious, so they’ll know they won’t get it. I really can’t spend a single day with my head held high talking to people and do the things that I normally do due to my physical appearance. Sometimes I cry or think that my life is nothing and that I won’t be able to build a family that I always wanted. Some doctors have told me that diet and eating habits are not the main factor of psoriasis, and others tell me that eating clean can help reduce the psoriasis. I’m not the person who takes people’s talk really seriously, but sometimes I can’t stand it, cause it gets so frustrated. So this is my message to those who might notice something on others’ skin, PLEASE DO NOT KEEP ASKING, CAUSE IT MAKES US VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. Thanks

  3. Please try beef tallow on your skin. Also cut out sugar, processed oils. Eat only organic fruits and veggies and pasture raised meat and eggs. No milk unless it's raw or low pasteurized.

  4. Psoriasis makes it difficult to be comfortable in your own skin because it is literally making your own skin uncomfortable. I’m really happy to see that it’s not holding you back. I hope they find a cure for our overactive immune systems someday.

  5. At the beginning I thought it came to a special form of tatoo.
    My old uncle has been suffering from it since his early 20s, so I know about it.
    Thankyou for sharing. You remain beautiful 😊

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