1. Uh oh GOP has angered the stoners. They are sensitive about this subject there is no discussing with them over employment screenings or doing it around neighbors. They pitch a fit and lose their mind what is GOP thinking? But we let these suits mess with us everyday so…

  2. My experience with DMT was life changing. I became one face of a multi-faceted experience prism, my side being my particular life experience. My awareness expanded and my social anxiety and depression was entirely gone. Truly magical.

  3. Here is a simple way of keeping the driving while high on cannabinoids thing sorted: You can have a driving license and metabolites but not both at the same time behind the wheel. In other words…. after your last dose wait for 30 days before operating again. It's harsh, but simple. Recreational use is an optional luxury. Driving high is unacceptable. An enforceable standard of safe conduct is required. Unfortunately a legal standard of cannabis impairment level detection in vivo is not as simple as with many other drugs.

  4. In other words, using a dealer is still in effect until they get their shit together and "their" dealers in place. Adults can do whatever they want to. This is ridiculous. RIDICULOUS. Seriously, why wouldn't you just use like alcohol and regulate as such? You've had many years to have an infrastructure for this, but guess what? The people have spoken, since you wouldn't. Sit and spin now.

  5. I got my psychedelic delivered to me by this Mycologist whose specialize in Microdose, Dmt, Lsd, Adderall, Cannabis, Vape Pens, shrooms and other psychedelics trips, ships discreetly worldwide..

  6. The thing is, that some politicians aren't going to implement the laws voted on by the voters in a legit election. They risk TICKING OFF one of the most frustrated, vocal, and defiant groups AND their collective persecution and victim complex energy: Pot users. Are these Republicans all REALLY up to losing their seats, upto and including to DEMOCRATS? Are Vance and Brown really out of touch? The politician class can steal documents and stop elections and get gold from Egypt or take donations from Turkey and spend LESS TIME IN JAIL than someone caught with pot. LET ALL OF THIS, SINK IN.

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