1. Yay!! No kids. Finally, itā€™s okay not to have kids. Just because you have kids doesnā€™t mean itā€™s for everyone. Freedom is having kids if you want them and NOT having kids if you donā€™t want them. Thatā€™s real freedom dude

  2. I believe this is a great example of ā€˜doing something wrong vs doing something rightā€™.
    I bet those studies didnā€™t factor in for unplanned children. Or children whose parents were married before conception.

  3. It can be hard having kids ..but let me tell you now , there no where else I'd rather be than looking into my little toddlers giggling face while we pull silly faces for hours and hear her try and learn new words while she makes her own better versions. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

  4. I'm inclined to agree that kids diminish overall life satisfaction temporarily. Im interested in finding out how old JP's kiddo is. I have 4 step children, none of my own biologically. The time that my husband and I had together before getting custody of his kids and after is like night and day. While I love the children, it is hard most of the time. Temper tantrums, lying, cutting class, getting into fights at school, etc. My work day is occasionally interrupted by calls from the school because a child has gotten into an argument with a teacher. I could go on, I miss being able to have time alone with my husband, having the freedom and money to travel with him. Perhaps that makes me a bad person, but I can't help but miss that life we had at times.
    Needless to say the kids came to us under less than ideal circumstances and we are working through everything they have been through. My husband and I worked for years to get them out of their mothers house because it was a bad environment. Getting them here was just the first step in a long and very difficult road. I'm happy they are safe, and I want them to have every opportunity. The sacrifices have been very real though and it is more difficult as they age.

  5. It's REALLY important to point out that all the women I've ever met who didn't wanted kids (and some of them were even strongly against having them, mostly for environmental reasons) were dedicated (if not to say a little loco ^^) pet moms – and that to me is not a coincidence. The thing that I'm then asking myself is how many women make this choice out of free will and how many make it because of trauma and conditioning? I totally respect when someone consciously does not want to have kids because to me this is a 100 times better than someone who just becomes a parent because it's "expected" and then resents their kids. But I believe there are also many studies who show the increasing number of women in their 40s who absolutely regret not having kids. And I believe this will be a huge issue in about 10 years because many of my friends and women I meet who are in their 30s now won't have kids probably – either out of choice or because they can't find the right guy. Additionally to the personal pain of those individuals not having children of course has major impacts on society – the pension system will collapse, poverty will increase (especially amongst older people) and the pressure on the younger generations will be huge. I'm with my husband for 6 years now and we're in the process of starting a family and I absolutely can't wait to welcome children into this world šŸ’–

  6. Iā€™m not only happier now that I have my 2 kids, Iā€™m also a better person with different priorities. Iā€™m also a person who consider that the main goal as a human is not satisfaction and happiness, but living complex experiences for our own development.

  7. Sometimes i feel like this childfree people are so damn empty inside that they do not want to feel alone in those feelings and want to convince more people not to have kids so their community of childfree people grows and grows.

    I am a new mom of a 4 month old baby and yes, i slept more but my baby gives me a satisfaction i never ever experienced before. I used to solo travel and felt that "freedom" but now i project travelling with my baby when he gets a little older. Becoming a parent is sacrifice and it is beautiful. Jesus sacrified his life for us. Now i understand the beauty in sacrifice, just for the wellbeing of others.

  8. I believe people who wants kids, should have plenty and should be incentivised, but i believe also that people who don't want to have kids shouldn't. Only because I care for children and wish they shoukd not have parents who don't want them. Why would you pressure people who don't want kids to have them? Having shit parents who hates you I wouldnt wish it on Satan himself

  9. When people struggle paying their rent and afford the things they need, would you say having kids would still be a good idea? This is not an anti-kids movement. It is just an insight to explain people that it is ok also not to have kids. The child-free people don't have anything against those who choose parenting. Why judging people who feel that it is not for them? What is wrong with that?

  10. Combining what Iā€™ve seen and what I have read in these comments:

    ONE reason people have less interest in having kids, is because they are investing in themselves, see the growth, and feel fulfillment.

    In simpler societies, defining and working on oneā€™s path of growth, once one is an adult, still leaves plenty of time to raise children.

    In a society like mine, working hard on oneā€™s business endeavors and toward the promise of having enough resources to sustain oneself until death, that can take up all of oneā€™s attention/energy. It can be all they need to be fulfilled.

    Many individuals donā€™t reach the conditions simpler societies have. Which is why itā€™s not until some people are older, that they regret not having children.

    I think some childfree older people start regretting not having a family because at some point, you are less able to channel the ambition, or you lose that drive. At that point, it can be fulfilling to help a little one grow and see them achieve things. To feel the joy they feel, to see them struggle through things you may have struggled with.

    Some people have a life situation where, if they didnā€™t have kids, theyā€™d be much happier. Not because they donā€™t want kids, but the effect it has on their life. Had they made different moves while younger to create a better life situation, or if they made the moves and waited until later to have children, they would have children and simultaneously enjoy their life.

    I am also referring more to people who are deliberate with having or not having children. People that weigh the pros and cons.

    That is the ideal: someone who weighs the pros and cons, and sees that it makes sense to have children in their lives.

  11. 44 and trying. We've not been able to conceive in the 17 years we've been together. I'll always feel a deep void until I'm a mother. I've always had the instinct to have a family. As crazy as it sounds, we are not giving up and we have faith it will happen soon. May all you who are trying be blessed with a precious, healthy baby. And my heart goes out to the couples who've experienced miscarriage. Please stay strong and keep hope in your hearts. Don't let your hearts get hard. May God bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, Amen šŸ™

  12. Ppl are crazy i love my kiddos and even want more. Of course its not cloud 9 all day but they are a blessing, and every relationship worth having can be challenging and has to be worked at. Its a blessing for God to choose us to be stewards over these little ones and raise them to be a blessing to society. Diminish your overall life satisfaction šŸ˜‚ wowsers a bit extreme, kids are crazy and awesome all in one.

  13. Kids are fulfilling when your able to provide for them when you can't it's a stress that brings you down and hurts your mental health. I believe kids enriching your life depends on your financial situation and that's the sad fact. Hell i can barley take care of myself. Yet alone another human. It's why people choose pets over a baby. Not because they don't want a child but because it's cheaper. They are a more financially viable substitute over a real human child.

  14. I'm 41 years old and dammit I'm still going to have kids I'm going to have at least three kids and they're going to grow up and become great leaders and outstanding members of the community.

  15. Everything that goes against Gods commandments, backfireā€™s on humans. They seek wisdom from other humans or themselves, rather than from God. Read your bible yā€™all. Have a relationship with Jesus Christ and He will lead you in the correct path. Selfish desires is all I hear and see. Iā€™m out, I have a chunky baby who needs uncontrollable kisses.

  16. This reminds me of the experiment a teacher did telling the students in a school to write their name on a balloon. All the kids did, the teacher put the balloons altogether and told the children to find their name on their balloon. They couldnā€™t, too many balloons.. so he told them to take the first balloon they found and bring it to the person whose name is on it. The teacher explained that this is like happiness if you seek it for yourself, youā€™ll never find it when you seek to give it to others you find your own as well.

  17. I don't understand why childless people need to prove their childless joy so much. I get that some women get annoyed when people ask them about having kids…but these influencers out here are literally making studies and videos to blue pill their "happiness" LMAO

  18. From someone who never wanted kids. Now that my son is here, a new door has opened, and it's the greatest feeling ever. Yes, it's hard, and having a kid is not meant for everyone.

  19. I'm married, have a kid and still have freedom. My question is freedom to do what? We still take trips, we still go out, we still have a sex life, we still do everything we did before we had our son. It takes planning and being intentional about everything we do. These people lack discipline so they can't conceive a life where they are not the centerpiece.

  20. I never wanted kids. No ones business really. I'm 42 and have never wanted kids. Didn't do it to be part of a trend, everyone should just do what they want and shut up about it and just do it.

  21. Having kids do make u happy! Yes they are hard work, but when you see them happy, laughing… Those hugs and kisses they give you when you are sad, when they thank you for everything you do for them, I always said if I didn't have my 4 kids, I don't know if I would be here, they are my motivation to be a better person šŸ™šŸ½.
    My kids made me stronger, loving, grateful person!

  22. While todays culture and worldview is all about me and "you do do". Many people still expect others to put them first and or see it as a positive and good thing to put others first. We are all wired to know to be kind and selfless but the fallen world with sin has taken over. The selfishness, lack of amazement, respect and dignity of human life is dwindling slowly. Our society we soon be like the Roman Empire centered on lust, money, self happiness and lack of respect for human life.

  23. Funny that no matter what job, goals, accomplishments, ect, none of them ever gave me as much happiness and purpose as the day I met my daughter.. Sure maybe this isnt everyone's story but for me like i start work after being able to be home for 8 months and if i didnt have to, I wouldn't.. This isn't something new like some people don't want kids and its okay but society is gross for using propaganda to make it seem like life is better.

  24. Only a person who loves this world and their sins would not find happiness in their children. These people are selfish, and self centered. These people find temporary ā€œjoyā€ inā€¦what..??ā€¦ Clubbing? Going out drinking with friends?? Socialising superficially with other people?? Like what is great about that?? Itā€™s all just temporary pleasure. Children are amazing, I have 2 and life is way better than before. Not only do they make you learn and grow as a person, but they bring so much laughter, joy, and purpose!! Me and my partner all the time play with our children, and we will be taking them camping, doing fishing, doing loads of quality meaningful things together! Life is so rewarding having a child. Youā€™ll never feel a greater love.

  25. A lot of women that buy into the ā€œkids suckā€ narrative will be left holding the bag, while their girlfriends marry and have kids last minute or have the $20k+ for IVF.

    Theyā€™ll sell on time, while the suckers diamond hand it to zero.

  26. There are valid reasons why I feel that having children would not be the best option for me. That being said, a part of me feels as though I am making a big sacrifice by not having them. I'm not sure whether I'd be happier with or without children, and I suppose I won't have any way of knowing. Both life choices are self-serving. If the pregnancy is planned, the couple is having children because they want to. If not having children is planned, the couple is planning on not having children because they want to. There are so many things to take into consideration here, and to each, his or her own.

  27. to each their own…. but a couple months ago my foolish, pain in the butt son. Scored only only TD against a team that wanted to destroy us!.. I watched him weave in and out of those big kids running as fast as he could.. i cried right there on the field.. probably my most proud moment yet… (he's only 6) Parent life is very fulfilling

  28. I would say that kids reduce marital satisfaction in the first few years. That only applies if you stopped long enough to think about it though, and I would say most parents of 1yr olds dont have time or energy to put much thought into it. Kids get a little older and that changes.

  29. To be fair (LetterKenny) lol… I wouldn't trust the comment section much anyway. Most people who have kids will not publicly come out and say that they wish they didn't have them. Of course, there will be a wave of ppl that will publicly say that they love their kids and life fulfilling blah blah…. So, maybe it is worth looking into the studies that were completely anonymous because that is where you will get much less skewed results. Just my 2 cents.

  30. I agree with the comment that without kids your life would pretty much be pointless, because after your death your money, your property, everything becomes pointless but if you love your kids and impart in them your values then you can transend your death through them as they share your lesson through the generations to come

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