'3.3 Million Joints A Day': Mississippi Gov Slams Marijuana Legislation As Recreational, Not Medical

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves (R-MS) said Monday he’d oppose proposed medical marijuana legislation, suggesting the amount …


  1. Thanks for admitting to govt and doctor colluding in racketeering on our medical rights. Drs and big pharmaceutical don’t create marijuana and if they are awarding doctors the ability to prescribe it and get paid to do so that is racketeering Period!

  2. These numbers are flat out wrong. Mississippi has 2.9 Million residents. 18,000 residents have a medical marijuana card. if EVERY Mississippi resident (includes children and seniors) smoked every day, it would be 1.1 joints a day. But with 18,000 licensed smokers, that's 177 joints a day. Now I like to smoke, but I could NEVER smoke that much. Who fudged these numbers and why???

  3. Not Tate trying to say how much of a Medicine someone may need..tell us how many Xanax are floating around Tate or how many liquor bottles floating around Tate? Listening to this person speak makes my stomach turn,slurping n slurring🤮

  4. god tate reeves is definitely the boomers choice. get with the times man and just appreciate the tax money which we so desperately need. He uses job shortages as an excuse but imagine the jobs that would be created if it passed.

  5. Labor participation would probably decrease some… the crime wouldn't go up, that's just nonsense. The state selling marijuana over organized crime / street thugs selling it leads to a net reduction in crime. Multiple states have done this and crime has not gone up, so… where is the evidence?
    Not every adult accepts that the entire purpose of their existence is to be a good factory worker, that may be how you view the masses, but you are overstepping your boundaries as governor by imposing that view onto them.
    Carry onward!

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