‘A medical marvel’: Calls made to legalise Cannabis in three states

Calls have been made to legalise Cannabis in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia, says Sky News host Liz Storer.


  1. As a guy who has no interest in getting high but is badly injured by a tractor accident, and in serious burning pain when I walk, I would welcome cannabis as a pain reliever. It cant be any worse than the boatload of expensive, serious morphine type pain killers I'm on 24 hours a day, and are not that effective. I spend $8000 per year on medication. Apart from ketamine and fentanyl ,which I dont want to take, but that was suggested, Cannabis could help. Maybe Big Pharma doesn't want us taking anything but their pills???????????

  2. Is idiotic politicians that banned cannabis after is was used for thousands of years, so it is up to them to make it legal again! I really don't see the problem with using this plant when almost all of it can be used for many purposes and it would be a huge boost to the economy and lessen hard drug use. Isn't tax and revenue all they care about anyway? Look what they have done to tobacco, alcohol and the cost of living with the privitisation of water, gas, electricity and gst years ago! BTW there was never any public consultation with their short term greed! Violence is so prevailent now, the last thing anyone who smokes marijuana wants is violence, it is a relaxing, feel good drug, that enhances people's moods, opens up the artistic side of the brain and makes people more interested in doing things. Is also a mild pain killer and may provide many health benefits, especially for people with mental issues! So with so many pro's verses cons, wtf did these dickheads ban it in the first place? Is time to fix this in Australia, like many other countries in the world are doing now!

  3. Wa pollie dr brian walker is a voice of reason on this issue, look him up.
    I see half the problem being bought and paid for big pharma indoctrinated drs refusing to accept it as a valid treatment method. Ive had drs laugh at me when i suggested cbd to treat a range of conditions most likely from over dosing big pharma meds, so i got some anyway, went off some serious meds.
    I know the health benefit cauze i found significant benefit from it. But to get the desired effect it would cost me around 600 bucks a f/n to maintain at that dosage, (3-5 mil twice a day) at current prices.
    I couldnt afford that much every two weeks, stopped getting it and 3 mths later i feel i still have good benefit from it, particularly with things like arthritis, lupus, reynards and restless legs which flared significantly less, and helped really smooth out flaring.
    I have 3rd/4th stage kidney failure after a botched prostate turp op, and contracted very extreme level hypertension. (260/160 was about the highest i got) while it didnt really reduce my bp that much, it did help keep it at a much more manageable and reasonable level for much longer. My bp meds dosage went from1 -2 days for up to 5 days between bp meds.
    I had much less death level hp episodes when my meds didnt work than without cbd.
    We can have big pharma killer drugs, govt funded opiods, alcohol, cigarettes, and prescription drugs which are a real drain on public health and economics, but we are not allowed a medicinal plant that could start a whole new cottage industry. Gmo medical pot is not the answer. Its over priced to the shittery, ive found is of inconsistant quality particuarly for the lower grade stuff (i can get street pot of better quality) and not available on pbs. Why???
    Criminalisation is a money tree that turns good people into crims, but gives back nothing in return.
    Full legalisation is the only answer. Let the pot industry grow and find its own place in society.

  4. this plant is a gift from my father it was origionally called manner its name has been changed over the centurys . if you look at the davids temple on the alter where the holy oil was made and burned you will find (cannabis ) which is the one ingreadiant that makes it holy. its the only plant that can feed medicate and build with and was supllied to the isrealites to feed and cloth them during their 40 years in the desert .

    I am not GOD; I am his SON and only his SON!! It’s a sin to proclaim me to be god, as it puts me before my father and that is a sin. Put no other before him. Think about where it’s written for the first time.

    Similar to my previous visit, I am his emissary.

  5. Make it legal in all states and tell those power drunk pathological narcissist’s bastard law makers to bugger off! It’s an intentionally created problem, perhaps the Australian public should raise the fact “How Government control and manipulate the public! In 1975, what did the American government do to the Australian public?

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