1. Somehow he says the higher your LDL the higher is blood viscosity…

    I was interested in this topic exactly because I have seemingly the highest cholesterol among the patient my doctor currently have. I also have high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (haha, measured just out of interest) Again, there are not a lot of good data and direct blood viscosity measurements. But high cholesterol correlates with high ESR. And high ESR correlates with LOWER blood viscosity.

  2. I have no idea about other people's metabolism but I know mine.
    If I do not consume the right amount of carbs my cholesterol level goes through the ceiling. Not just high but off the chart high.
    And consuming a respectable amount of carbs, all lipid markers simply subside within range. No rise in A1C period, right around 5.1. You got that?

    Yes, I have absolutely good reason to consume reasonable amount of carbs to have my blood lipids from going up sickeningly off the chart high.

    No, I care less for the cult of " cholesterol is essential for survival and the more the merrier".
    Those who say that can bark at some other tree.

    And I am still waiting for someone to tell me that having cholesterol within the standard range is terrible for your health. SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME IT IS INDEED DANGEROUS AND CAN PROVE IT. THAT IS RIGHT.

    Of course, you need cholesterol for Pete's sake. Your body makes it. Your body makes all kinds of other things including sugar. That is how essential sugar is. No need to get stupid and get carried away with any of it. Protein, fat, carbs. Balance meal dude and do not eat like a pig all day long for emotional comfort due to stress. Allowing yourself to get stressed is poison number 1 and it is a huge cause of misery and pain of all kinds in life. Why be stressed about anything? Something to really think about.

    And stay away from junk refined processed crap if I were you. Having said that, it includes a very large number of what you find on the grocery shelves and restaurants. Yea go figure.
    It is bad for you no matter who you are and what kind of metabolism you have.

    Also consuming fiber, for me, makes a huge difference in bowl movement. Bathroom experience is much better than without it.
    My body is the boss and how I feel is the boss. Yea it is the real Doctor.
    On meat diet I will be waiting for days and then. Given the two options, the fiber beats the lack of it with higher protein, high fat diet.
    Yes, I eat meat but I eat veggies and legumes and respectable amount of carbs as in about 100g or so and it is the most ideal result for me period. bottom line, end of the story for me.

    For me only 1 statistic I look for. It is my own statistics for me. I am not the world and the masses. I am the only data and it is the one that actually counts. I am not you. IT REALLY IS TRUE.

    I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR DIET SHOULD BE. But I know that for me junk and processed food is smooth out period.

    Any objections or questions?
    I didn't think so. ๐Ÿ™‚

    [Oh, is there someone here suggesting that a vegetarian and I mean real life-time vegetarians like them Hindus in India absolutely in no way get to live a long life? You want to bet? I suggest you don't take this bet.]

  3. The thing that irks me the most is that when people like this go unchallenged, their assertion are accepted by the general population as โ€œscientific fact.โ€ And when that happens, people who feel a different way are gaslighted and even morally preened as not respecting science.

    But when someone who knows what they are talking about calls them out like Bart Kay? They change their tune from โ€œscientific factโ€ to โ€œlook, this isnโ€™t perfect,โ€ or, as he said in this video โ€œwe do the best we can with what we haveโ€ which Bart pointed out, is also false.

    Keep doing what you are doing. And maybe not scare off the next person hahahaha!

  4. Kudos to Peter Rogers for being prepared to debate, even if he was continually shot down in flames. He seems like a good sport. I hope he re-evaluates many of his dogmatic and baseless positions. I say this as a former Vegan myself who was duped deep into the cult for ten years, but I'm o.k now! ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ—๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿฅ“๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. Eating plant based for many years and my type 2 diabetes is no longer an issue. I don't eat oils, or any animal products
    My fasting blood glucose is consistently in the 80s. I am 65 years old.

  6. Iโ€™ve never been satisfied eating fiber (and I could eat and eat salad with no satiety). Now I eat a meat patty or steak and so satisfying with no hunger for many hours. The fiber satiety myth is easily debunked by just trying to get full on it. I have better shits on carnivore. Vegans like big things passing their butthole apparently.

  7. what I wonder is why all those top athletes still want to eat carbohydrates and sugars, wouldn't they perform better without all those carbohydrates, it's strange that this hasn't happened yet

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