1. Jump to the following parts of this episode:

    00:20 Update at TD's 2023 Garden

    01:41 These Girls Are Giants

    02:26 Blueberry Cupcake

    02:43 Composting all Trim in off Season

    03:21 Do this to prevent bugs

    03:39 This is Dry Farmed Cannabis!

    04:21 Water Saving Cannabis Plants

    04:43 Vanilla Cream Pie

    05:31 Lemon Grass

    05:49 This ground is wet

    06:30 Blueberry Muffin

    07:05 Hella Jelly

    07:45 Apple Blossom

    08:51 Get TD updates at @BoogieBrew

    09:22 Super Seth's Cannabis Garden

    10:00 Red Hot Cookies

    10:17 Purple Ghost Candy

    10:35 Full Gas

    10:52 Payote Skittles

    11:22 Thai Wild

    11:34 Runtz x Layer Cake

    11:54 Full Gas in the Ground

    13:05 Interview with TD, Super Seth, Josh, and John Starts

    13:43 Why do you grow cannabis?

    14:55 This is what happens when you smoke aged TD cannabis

    17:15 Why don't you use hydroponic nutrients?

    19:50 Do you measure the Ph in your garden?

    20:19 What is your growing philosophy/techniques do you use to grow?

    22:49 Are Seed or Clones Better?

    24:30 Autoflower Seed? or High-Quality Clones?

    26:30 How do you train your plants?

    27:29 How do you feed your plants during the season?

    28:19 Best tip to get the maximum flower production?

    31:43 How much Water Do you use to grow your plants?

    33:07 What do you feed before flower?

    36:30 How much do you need to water your plants?

    38:50 What are your favorite genetics to grow?

    42:17 What is the most flower you have grown on one plant?

    44:51 How do you harvest and dry your flower?

    47:08 What final words of wisdom do you want to share?

    Related Episodes:

    Season 1: First Episode Showing TD's Grow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v99ovYtLDiA

    Season 1 Second Episode Showing TD's growth after 1 month https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqBA8FGyjVg

    Season 1: Third Episode Showing TD's Grow after 2 months https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvtRxlM75Hg

    Season 1: Fourth Episode Showing TD's Grow after 3 months https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbaBTck4IK8

    Season 1: Fifth Episode Showing TD's Grow after 4 months https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl7oJrBUdIA

    Season 1: Final Episode Showing TD's Harvest & Roots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tADd2CWw4w

    Season 2: First Episode: Starting Seeds & Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVT1XYgmamc

    Season 2 Second Episode: Building an In-Ground Pot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W8JAUeWoq4

    Season 2 Third Episode: Watering, Sexing & Supersoil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5MxpsQKYXU

    Season 2 Fourth Episode: Netting and Stretching Plants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEDLpmNGmPs

    Season 2 Fifth Episode: How to Feed and Water Plants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxIBQAK53Fw

    Season 2 Sixth Episode: Pest Prevention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTmYTe_qgjA

    Season 2 Seventh Episode: Cover Your Plants from Rain and Pre-Harvest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj0Ckn8VhuI

    Season 2 Eight Episode: Roots & Drying and Curing Flowers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmPIn6MfKw0

    Season 3: Episode One: Super Seth's 2023 Growing Cannabis & Veggies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIXt5u8Bdbc

    Season 3: Episode Two: Visit to Teal Farm – Avocado Tec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gVtrEjy3kU

    Season 3: Episode Three: Fermented Plant Juice Fertilizer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ughl05xG5VI

    Season 3: Episode Four: Organic Top Dress Recipe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt2VL_UZWjc

    Season 3: Episode Five: How to Boost Your Compost Tea & Feed Flowers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuJzmbcyQFk

    Season 3: Episode Six: Use a Microscope to Harvest Cannabis at the Best Time + Pro Drying Tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9JfBKOaurs

  2. TD grows big we know! And a lot of problems come along with that bud rot bugs and when something does happen it gets out of control fast seems like Seth has his shit together I have no clue why you would say td is better that’s insane I feel like you would suck TD off if he pulled it out for you ?

  3. I grow similar to TD. I use ovals and squares and triangles and of course circles when I set up my in ground pots. Just start growing. I grew 7ft plants my first go around and it was very difficult. I had no idea what I was doing. I switched to indoor to get my knowledge game increased. After 3 grows indoor I went outdoor. Kept the plants small at first, I used 3 different seeds and everything was and still is organic. I compost everything, dead animals, food from dinner. It doesn’t matter what it is, I compost it. Make mistakes it’s how you learn.

  4. I find it interesting that TD's mother is a Christian, and her son is the one with the most success 🙌 Food For Thought. Is it possible that God is not against canabis, but today's society has taught us all wrong?

  5. humboldt seed co is one of the few breeders that actually do it right. most breeders stop at an f1 hybrid. the best breeders haven't even really started until f3.

  6. if u put bone in when u plant- chicken or beef or ?- it takes a while for the bone to break down so it can get used by the plant- like a few months- like put some bone in when u plant so the plant will flower better

  7. Good stuff.. as an national herbal activist, it's awesome seeing all these channels, we still work to do, especially down south, we come a long way, super cool. "Groovy Cool Far Out and Sold".😊

  8. dry farming can be super good for terps.. The fluctuation really boost the flavornoids in your cannabis plant. I've done the same thing, didn't water them at all, that crop was the best..

  9. I do.. 😂.. the TERPENATOR.. 50+ plus yrs growing, outdoors and indoors.. nice looking gurls, outside in the early 80s r avg. was 10#… Picconing Paralyzer.. 😊 still have original seeds,

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